I actually thought of asking for my guide to be locked so no posts could be made in it, so as not to have it clutter the live feed, in the event that others get made.
Archived: *Guide* in the main tabs
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/15/12 10:42 am | #16
This is exactly what I meant when I said I wasn't trying to get people to follow in my footsteps. I ONLY posted my guide because the site I originally made it on is shutting down, and I did not want my time wasted, and what I think to be a decent guide lost in the web of shadows created in the death of said site.
I actually thought of asking for my guide to be locked so no posts could be made in it, so as not to have it clutter the live feed, in the event that others get made.
I actually thought of asking for my guide to be locked so no posts could be made in it, so as not to have it clutter the live feed, in the event that others get made.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/15/12 12:59 pm | #17
Quote by Kat:
Quote by unkled20:
I was reading through this thread and just thought I might add my two cents. Although, it's probably only the equivalent of one cent.

I'm not sure we need a guide tab at this point, it certainly isn't an awful idea though. My concern, like most others, is the possibility of a lot of copying and pasting going on. Or, stealing from other sites, if you are so inclined to call it that. As Meta said though, the site seems to have enough staff to catch that sort of thing at this point. So, if there were a way to make sure that didn't happen, I'm all for it.
I also see value with having a review tab. I think a lot of people like to hear an unbiased review of a game from a fellow gamer. Having a review tab would make them easier to find.
What I do not agree with would be separating reviews from staff members from those of other members. We don't separate any other threads made by staff from those made by other members, why start doing that now? If we have a review tab, all reviews should be found there, regardless of who wrote it.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling, just my thoughts on these ideas.
The point would be that staff reviews are considered "official" site reviews. They're what is used when publishers go over the site to decide if they send review copies to our site, and they're what we want our quality level judged from. Say I write Alicia Kim at Capcom for a review copy of Resident Evil 6, and link her to the site. She comes to the site and the first review they see is this (assuming he'd made it a review thread). This is not indicitive of how I, or Meta or Mini would review a game, but that's what we'd be judged by.
I agree that "review" is not what I would want to be judged by either, though I still don't agree with the separation. We could have a submission process and the reviews could be reviewed by a staff member before they are posted. If it were just left open for anyone to post and a staff member or members thought it wasn't the type of review we wanted on the site, the thread could be closed.
If someone wanted to send an email requesting a review copy of a game, they could always send links to their specific reviews. I would think that this would be what someone would want to see before sending a review copy of a game to someone. As well as the rest of the site, how it seems to be run, is it a legit site etc.
I know that I am off topic from the original post, but I really think there would be a better way to do this, IF we do this, than to have two different areas for the same thing. It shouldn't be based on who you are whether or not your review gets on the site, it should be based on the substance and quality. After the substance and quality are determined, they should all be in one place.
Ok, there's another of my two cents. Sorry everyone for continuing to be off topic.
OT, guide, guide, guide, menu, menu, menu!

Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
09/21/12 12:26 pm | #18
this makes this a little easier since I was gonna start a new thread for this but here goes. Standard. One word solution.
Kat, you gave an excellent illustration on what about reviews, so why don't we standardize- if that's a word. As I work on articles and review I look at how the staff does them and in a sense copy them. Even though x360a may be as someone said a d-bag site, that's one thing they have and I think BHFTW said something about this, is an outline of how they do roadmaps and review like grades and difficulty.
All in All every article comes through the staff writers so if it isn't a good quality you guys explain what was wrong and give them another chance.So if we get every Joe and Jane writing articles it'll be a pain for you guys. But if there is an outline or a standard it'll help the writers like going through a checklist.
A bit more on topic, since I'm not THAT involved in competitions and using the game tab most of the time I really can't put my two cents in what could/should/would be replaced for a review or a whatever tab. But to keep the flaming down the only thing I can truly think of is a standard.
Kat, you gave an excellent illustration on what about reviews, so why don't we standardize- if that's a word. As I work on articles and review I look at how the staff does them and in a sense copy them. Even though x360a may be as someone said a d-bag site, that's one thing they have and I think BHFTW said something about this, is an outline of how they do roadmaps and review like grades and difficulty.
All in All every article comes through the staff writers so if it isn't a good quality you guys explain what was wrong and give them another chance.So if we get every Joe and Jane writing articles it'll be a pain for you guys. But if there is an outline or a standard it'll help the writers like going through a checklist.
A bit more on topic, since I'm not THAT involved in competitions and using the game tab most of the time I really can't put my two cents in what could/should/would be replaced for a review or a whatever tab. But to keep the flaming down the only thing I can truly think of is a standard.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
09/21/12 3:14 pm | #19
Quote by unkled20:
Quote by Kat:
The point would be that staff reviews are considered "official" site reviews. They're what is used when publishers go over the site to decide if they send review copies to our site, and they're what we want our quality level judged from. Say I write Alicia Kim at Capcom for a review copy of Resident Evil 6, and link her to the site. She comes to the site and the first review they see is this (assuming he'd made it a review thread). This is not indicitive of how I, or Meta or Mini would review a game, but that's what we'd be judged by.
I agree that "review" is not what I would want to be judged by either, though I still don't agree with the separation. We could have a submission process and the reviews could be reviewed by a staff member before they are posted. If it were just left open for anyone to post and a staff member or members thought it wasn't the type of review we wanted on the site, the thread could be closed.
If someone wanted to send an email requesting a review copy of a game, they could always send links to their specific reviews. I would think that this would be what someone would want to see before sending a review copy of a game to someone. As well as the rest of the site, how it seems to be run, is it a legit site etc.
I know that I am off topic from the original post, but I really think there would be a better way to do this, IF we do this, than to have two different areas for the same thing. It shouldn't be based on who you are whether or not your review gets on the site, it should be based on the substance and quality. After the substance and quality are determined, they should all be in one place.
Ok, there's another of my two cents. Sorry everyone for continuing to be off topic.
OT, guide, guide, guide, menu, menu, menu!

I believe your post is valid. However I am pretty sure member submitted articles/reviews are already reviewed by the staff.
I am all about quality over positional titles.
As a point Xbox360achievements.org's articles are controlled by their staff, and to be honest their reporting is lackluster at best. I have had to constantly correct them on inadequate articles. So although they are a bigger site I believe they are not better due to their management style.
*On another note I do visit their site....due to the guides.
Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
09/21/12 5:18 pm | #21
Quote by Hydrocannon:
this makes this a little easier since I was gonna start a new thread for this but here goes. Standard. One word solution.
Kat, you gave an excellent illustration on what about reviews, so why don't we standardize- if that's a word. As I work on articles and review I look at how the staff does them and in a sense copy them. Even though x360a may be as someone said a d-bag site, that's one thing they have and I think BHFTW said something about this, is an outline of how they do roadmaps and review like grades and difficulty.
All in All every article comes through the staff writers so if it isn't a good quality you guys explain what was wrong and give them another chance.So if we get every Joe and Jane writing articles it'll be a pain for you guys. But if there is an outline or a standard it'll help the writers like going through a checklist.
A bit more on topic, since I'm not THAT involved in competitions and using the game tab most of the time I really can't put my two cents in what could/should/would be replaced for a review or a whatever tab. But to keep the flaming down the only thing I can truly think of is a standard.
Kat, you gave an excellent illustration on what about reviews, so why don't we standardize- if that's a word. As I work on articles and review I look at how the staff does them and in a sense copy them. Even though x360a may be as someone said a d-bag site, that's one thing they have and I think BHFTW said something about this, is an outline of how they do roadmaps and review like grades and difficulty.
All in All every article comes through the staff writers so if it isn't a good quality you guys explain what was wrong and give them another chance.So if we get every Joe and Jane writing articles it'll be a pain for you guys. But if there is an outline or a standard it'll help the writers like going through a checklist.
A bit more on topic, since I'm not THAT involved in competitions and using the game tab most of the time I really can't put my two cents in what could/should/would be replaced for a review or a whatever tab. But to keep the flaming down the only thing I can truly think of is a standard.
Well, right now there hasn't been a lot of reviewing going on by the staff, stuff has been coming up, but every major site does site reviews separately from user reviews. Check out ign, gamespot, Metacritic, ta, etc etc etc... It's standard practice for any site that has staff specifically for reviews. Our site does, in fact, have staff specifically to do reviews. A site review speaks for the site, so it's not even just a quality or format issue, you know? But also- no one has ever gotte an article rejected with the staff saying "your writing sucks and this whole thing needs to be rewritten." That doesn't mean we haven't come across those, we just aren't mean. Sending them back for rewrites again and again really will force confrontations that we're not eager for.
There are some reasons I don't really want to get into right now behind my reasoning, but the bottom line is- that I'm not even sure why this is a discussion people are so upset about. What I'd like to see is site reviews by staff in their own area, and linked to the game on the games page. Members can put their reviews in the official thread for a game. That's where people go to see what other members think of games anyway, right? And then staff members don't have to spend hours of their own time editing and correcting them. Anf if the staff finds a member that consistently puts up good reviews, or someone puts up a kickass review that staff members love, the option would be there to ask permission to use those reviews for the site.
As far as the guides- like I said before, we don't have a lot of guides that aren't copy/pastes from other sites. While lots of people have mentioned wanting to see them, no one yet has mentioned wanting to write them. Most of the staff doesn't, either. So until there are any guides (ORIGINAL guides), there's not really a point to continuing the discussion.
And for the record, I use TA for guides, no x360a... but not reviews. There are no one stop sites that offer everything. That's too grand of scope for us right now.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
09/21/12 5:46 pm | #22
True and good points Kat.Sure hope my message didn't come across as targeting, it was good commendations.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
09/21/12 5:56 pm | #23
No, it's fine, I just wanted to explain a little more. Of course, I only speak for myself, none of the other staff. Honestly I don't see any major site changes happening anytime soon, with Jackson back at school. It's awesome to have a discussion where we can all go back and forth like this, I just hope no one gets upset if nothing happens right away. It definitely doesn't mean that these are bad ideas!!!
Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
09/21/12 11:51 pm | #24
Quote by Kat:
I just hope no one gets upset if nothing happens right away. It definitely doesn't mean that these are bad ideas!!!
I will be pissed, pissed!!! If things don't happen right away. If they don't change right away, I'd blame it all on you.