Archived: getting my gf interested in games
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: getting my gf interested in games
06/20/11 10:04 pm | #78
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
And your dick has been in all four? Impressive.
End to end.

Over at your parents house: my dick in an xbox
Midday at the grocery store: my dick in an xbox
Backstage at the CMAs: my dick in an xbox
I can see JT singing the new hit right now

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: getting my gf interested in games
06/20/11 10:13 pm | #79
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
And your dick has been in all four? Impressive.
End to end.

No wonder why your wife loves you so much. Gets the best of both worlds. Xbox and dick. So do you present it to her in a sandwich form or more of a hot dog on a bun fashion?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: getting my gf interested in games
06/21/11 12:11 am | #80
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
And your dick has been in all four? Impressive.
End to end.

So that's how all your Xboxes got chlamydia! Talk about a real red ring!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: getting my gf interested in games
06/21/11 10:56 am | #82
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by theEVOL1:
End to end.

So that's how all your Xboxes got chlamydia! Talk about a real red ring!

Yeah Microsoft gets PISSED when you try to send that in for repairs! It is not covered by the warranty!

Re: getting my gf interested in games
07/15/11 11:23 am | #83
Getting your Gf/wife into gaming
1. Understand what she likes (assuming because she a girl she’s going to like only cute girly type games is misguided)there’s a good chance that the type of movies she likes will lend a clue to the type of game she might be interested in. Mine loves horror, and suspense, and post apocalyptic moves for example, she also loves left for dead 2, fallout 3, and condemned. pick out games that are similar to the movies she likes and see if she starts to follow the story line.
2. Reduce her stress: Take care of the household chores, paying the bills, dealing with the kids if you have any, and other real life issues, if she’s exhausted from housework and/or work, kids, and stressed about “life” she’s not going to be open to relaxing at a video game. This step can take weeks of prep, consistency is key, one day here and there won’t cut it.
3. Try to get her involved in your game play anyway you can, print up guides for those pesky collectible achievements and have her assists you in finding them. You can also use this for Guitar hero games by printing up the star charts and having her tell you when to use star power for maximizing your score.
4. Take her (only her) with you when you shop for games, after a few times doing that ask her to pick one out for “you” to play. Tell her you can’t make up your mind or whatever it takes to get her to take a closer look at the games.
5. Should you manage to get her interested in playing, don’t treat her like one of the boys. Don’t start shouting “owned” or “in your face” type of stuff or any type of gloating should you defeat her or best her score. That stuff will quickly turn her away from gaming around "you"
1. Understand what she likes (assuming because she a girl she’s going to like only cute girly type games is misguided)there’s a good chance that the type of movies she likes will lend a clue to the type of game she might be interested in. Mine loves horror, and suspense, and post apocalyptic moves for example, she also loves left for dead 2, fallout 3, and condemned. pick out games that are similar to the movies she likes and see if she starts to follow the story line.
2. Reduce her stress: Take care of the household chores, paying the bills, dealing with the kids if you have any, and other real life issues, if she’s exhausted from housework and/or work, kids, and stressed about “life” she’s not going to be open to relaxing at a video game. This step can take weeks of prep, consistency is key, one day here and there won’t cut it.
3. Try to get her involved in your game play anyway you can, print up guides for those pesky collectible achievements and have her assists you in finding them. You can also use this for Guitar hero games by printing up the star charts and having her tell you when to use star power for maximizing your score.
4. Take her (only her) with you when you shop for games, after a few times doing that ask her to pick one out for “you” to play. Tell her you can’t make up your mind or whatever it takes to get her to take a closer look at the games.
5. Should you manage to get her interested in playing, don’t treat her like one of the boys. Don’t start shouting “owned” or “in your face” type of stuff or any type of gloating should you defeat her or best her score. That stuff will quickly turn her away from gaming around "you"
Re: Re: Re: getting my gf interested in games
07/15/11 1:22 pm | #84
Quote by AJ:
True that man, I dumped my girlfriend for the same reason. If they don't like it, boot em.
this +1
I had a girlfriend that when we were watching movies on the 360 and someone logged on she would say "::insert name:: logged on" in a real condescending voice that would make me want to punch her in the mouth. I don't hit women and never will, but the way she said it made me want to start.
So......i broke up with her
Coincidentally enough, I broke up with a girlfriend of mine, and the money she payed me back with, I bought my first 360....that was truly a happy, happy day
Re: getting my gf interested in games
07/15/11 1:48 pm | #85
yea i would just dump a gf if they were not already interested in gaming or if she didnt like me gaming,if a guy wants to game after a hard day of work bringing home money to the family and the gf or wife then he should be able lucky,my fiance loves gaming and we usually get into a couple games of the current madden,nhl,sometimes borderlands if we have an hour or two to waste before we go out to dinner or whatever we are doing that day.
Re: getting my gf interested in games
07/15/11 1:52 pm | #86
well to start ask her to mabey do a few watches of what you play ,and mabey get her her to play sum on the easiest diff, also said the lego games are not just for kids =P. and try to introduce her into some of the more harddened games - the type of games that takes a long time to complete-
Re: getting my gf interested in games
07/15/11 5:06 pm | #89
My wife does not play at all but we have a good thing going. Basically I play whenever i want during the week except on Friday. I can play at night on Saturday and Sunday if i want after spending the day with the fam which I would do anyways. However, I can and WILL Prioritize my gaming over my family when FF XIII-2 comes out. They better just recognize!!
Re: getting my gf interested in games
07/15/11 5:52 pm | #90
yeah my gf loves playing Kingdom Hearts but idk how to switch from sony to microsoft. Maybe final fantasy?