Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by Jennifer 9000:
I would say start with what she likes. Everybody likes at least some kind of game, even if it's not a video game. She could try one of the Scene-it games if she likes movies or trivia. If she likes card games there are many on live, and there are board games like battleship, etc. If she enjoys music, then try one of the music games like rock band.
For years my husband had been trying to get me gaming. I had always loved retro games but wasn't interested in any other games he introduced. I think he had given up on me, when one day he was at work and I was bored so I started playing Geometry Wars and loved it. Well I think the next day I tried the demo for Civilization Revolution and had to have it, and from then on I've been hooked. Now we fight over who gets to play the xbox. I probably would have started gaming at the beginning if every game he introduced to me hadn't been an RPG. He just assumed since he loves RPGs that I would too.
LOL Jennifer, your husband said that once he got you gaming you hog the 360 now and he has to say "my turn honey"

LOL it's more like "do you mind if i play for an hour, baby?" hahahaha.
and i never ASSUMED jen would love RPGs because i do, i assumed she would love oblivion because it's very nice on the eyes and there's no real learning curve. i thought it would be a good place to start, lol.
i think the only other RPG i tried getting her into when she
first started gaming was fable 2, and she didn't care for it at all. the only other games i remember pushing on her were gears of war and call of duty 4.