Archived: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
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Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 12:27 am | #61
@AJ im at 119K and ive earned every achieve on my tag, its really not that hard lol i have the 4 game plan from gamefly and i play every day for a few hours a day before i go to sleep for work/class and i play on my days off when my girlfriend isnt staying the nite with me. My score would be much higher if i didnt get bored with games so easy/wasnt ADD and i actually finished all the games i started before moving on.
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 12:37 am | #62
Why bother debating his score. It's been made into a big deal that he's "legit". If Microsoft ever discovered his cheating they would never admit it. No company wants to hear there best player (or at least best know) is on the "flax seed oil".

Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 12:42 am | #63
when i break 100k i will be legit. NO ONE has EVER logged into my account but meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 12:52 am | #65
Major Nelsons such a turd, those videos they post with "tips and tricks" on the dashboard are sooo pointless n stupid. They post videos of things that are "tough or challenging" for games that have been out like a month already when in reality they are very easy to do/common sense most of the time and they think theyre actually clever or helpin people out. Not to mention there are always 5 ways to do the things they post much easier and faster lol.
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 12:57 am | #67
lmao well seriously, have u ever watched those videos or read what he writes about or blogs about, whatever turd burglars like him do? nothin they ever talk about is anything of use, i seriously saw a NEW tips n tricks video or whatever on the dashboard one time for fallout 3 like 6 months AFTER the game had been out, i was like really? so i clicked on it and it was a tip about how to get a 'secret hidden gun' that u find in reality while doin a mission in the same area and is pretty much impossible to miss. What do they get paid for again? lol i dont see how anyone could enjoy them
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 12:59 am | #68
I did all those time zone changes in Brothers in Arms to get those achievements. I dot think that makes it unlegit though.
Re: Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 1:00 am | #69
Quote by Sean:
I did all those time zone changes in Brothers in Arms to get those achievements. I dot think that makes it unlegit though.
Lol, I did those 2 so I could get them early... If XBL didn't want you to get them that way they'd fix it.
Re: Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 1:15 am | #70
Quote by Chiddy Bang:
We have no way of telling whether an account is legitimate or not.
I've been a member of the Xbox Community Developers Program long enough to know that the Xbox Live data we get from Microsoft is horrifically unreliable. There's simply no way that we could fairly enforce this.
Microsoft is the only one capable.
I've been a member of the Xbox Community Developers Program long enough to know that the Xbox Live data we get from Microsoft is horrifically unreliable. There's simply no way that we could fairly enforce this.
Microsoft is the only one capable.
If a gamertag has over 200k of achievements all acquired offline w/included multiplayer achievements, I'd say thats a fairly easy way to weed out the cheaters on this site. Let Microsoft deal with the resets on more "elegant" cheaters but have this site's policy be to delete the grotesquely obvious cheaters. IE if there is a doubt whether a person is a cheater or not, let microsoft do the reset. If there is an obvious cheater without a shadow of a doubt(standard being 200k+all acquried offline or the same day), xbox america could delete the account.
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 7:57 am | #72
no everyone does it..............All of my chieves are legit! I have never cheated. If I cant get it legit, I wont get it.....It's that simple. So speak for yourself.
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 8:53 am | #73
Being underhanded and cheap has been the building blocks of any successful country. Don't cry about gamerscore when you're playing Kung Fu Panda and Cars Mater National, for those of you who have the excuse of actually breeding thats understandable, but when you're a basement troll with a penchant for games rated E you can kick rocks and keep your lips sealed.
Re: Gamerscore HACKERS policy review
03/25/10 2:17 pm | #75
Ok, ok I admit it, my cat got all the achievements in Crazy Mouse for me.