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Archived: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
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First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 7:40 pm | #1
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Go Figure huh?...
The new subscription, dubbed Call of Duty Elite will offer new multiplayer options such as new maps, increased statistic tracking and other social networking enhancements. Activision clearly knows its games are at their most popular amongst the online multiplayer contingent and will hope to offer them enough unique content to warrant the extra monthly fee. Remember, players using Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console will already be stumping up $9.99 per month for the privilege of online play – will a fee on top of that be deemed a step too far? Obviously PC and PlayStation 3 players currently get their COD multiplayer for free, at least for now.
While Activision isn’t yet sure how much they will be charging for this improved Call of Duty experience, the company is said to be aiming for a price point lower than that of current online entertainment packages such as Netflix, with currently offers its services for $7.99 per month. The comparison with TV and movie services may seem a little odd at first, until you realize just how much money the COD franchise is worth.
Source 2
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 7:54 pm | #3
Luckily you won't need an elite sub to play any of the COD's online, the access to extra maps for a monthly fee is pure bullshit though.
If we allow this to slide, then what is next? It's not call of warcraft... ffs.
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 7:57 pm | #4
I tried applying for the beta and it said I wasn't allowed. I put in my real birthdate, 17 now 18 next month. I then tried fake birthdate so that it was 22 and then my mothers who is 55. All said not allowed. I even tried the Ps3 version. I guess they only want people 14 and under, seeing as that is their true fanbase.
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 7:59 pm | #5
I hope this one becomes a huge money pit for these idiots. It seems the only way they learn is by taking huge financial loses. What a waste.
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:16 pm | #6
Quote by Daniel:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Go Figure huh?...
The new subscription, dubbed Call of Duty Elite will offer new multiplayer options such as new maps, increased statistic tracking and other social networking enhancements. Activision clearly knows its games are at their most popular amongst the online multiplayer contingent and will hope to offer them enough unique content to warrant the extra monthly fee. Remember, players using Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console will already be stumping up $9.99 per month for the privilege of online play – will a fee on top of that be deemed a step too far? Obviously PC and PlayStation 3 players currently get their COD multiplayer for free, at least for now.
While Activision isn’t yet sure how much they will be charging for this improved Call of Duty experience, the company is said to be aiming for a price point lower than that of current online entertainment packages such as Netflix, with currently offers its services for $7.99 per month. The comparison with TV and movie services may seem a little odd at first, until you realize just how much money the COD franchise is worth.
Source 2
So wait... is the price of LIVE going up? If so then COD can SMD
Re: Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:18 pm | #7
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Quote by Daniel:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Go Figure huh?...
The new subscription, dubbed Call of Duty Elite will offer new multiplayer options such as new maps, increased statistic tracking and other social networking enhancements. Activision clearly knows its games are at their most popular amongst the online multiplayer contingent and will hope to offer them enough unique content to warrant the extra monthly fee. Remember, players using Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console will already be stumping up $9.99 per month for the privilege of online play – will a fee on top of that be deemed a step too far? Obviously PC and PlayStation 3 players currently get their COD multiplayer for free, at least for now.
While Activision isn’t yet sure how much they will be charging for this improved Call of Duty experience, the company is said to be aiming for a price point lower than that of current online entertainment packages such as Netflix, with currently offers its services for $7.99 per month. The comparison with TV and movie services may seem a little odd at first, until you realize just how much money the COD franchise is worth.
Source 2
So wait... is the price of LIVE going up? If so then COD can SMD
No, Pretty much it's saying people are still adjusting to the price increase to $10.
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:25 pm | #8
So if I dont want this money grab bullshit I wont have to pay for it?
Re: Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:32 pm | #9
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
So if I dont want this money grab bullshit I wont have to pay for it?

Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:37 pm | #10
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:41 pm | #11
Thats..just retarded. It'll burn the fan bases that's been built just to squeeze some extra bills out of the people that'd actually pay for this.
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:42 pm | #12
Yeah, didn't we hear word of something like this for Black Ops? Not necessarily along this category, but still some sort of monthly fee for online services with their franchise.
And yet here it is again... I honestly have never prestiged on any COD game, so I don't play enough to pay any extra a month for it.
Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:47 pm | #13
The only reason MW2 sold so many games was because CoD4 was the best game in their franchise so everyone thought MW2 would also be good. Now that it was, due to hype, they think that they will be able to "cash in" on these gamers who already pay out the ass for these games on launch days, and some even buy the collectors/limited edition copies. They are just getting greedy. Its starting to get ridiculous.
Re: Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:54 pm | #14
Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
I tried applying for the beta and it said I wasn't allowed. I put in my real birthdate, 17 now 18 next month. I then tried fake birthdate so that it was 22 and then my mothers who is 55. All said not allowed. I even tried the Ps3 version. I guess they only want people 14 and under, seeing as that is their true fanbase.

Wait what there's a beta?
On topic though: This is a horrible idea but CoD generates so much money and so many people are willing to shell out the extra $10 for 3 more maps without even thinking about it if they do this a bet it will be a success. Afterall many CoD players only play CoD.
Re: Re: Re: First Game to offer a monthly "Elite" Subscription
05/31/11 8:54 pm | #15
Quote by WyoChuck:
Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
I tried applying for the beta and it said I wasn't allowed. I put in my real birthdate, 17 now 18 next month. I then tried fake birthdate so that it was 22 and then my mothers who is 55. All said not allowed. I even tried the Ps3 version. I guess they only want people 14 and under, seeing as that is their true fanbase.

Wait what there's a beta?
On topic though: This is a horrible idea but CoD generates so much money and so many people are willing to shell out the extra $10 for 3 more maps without even thinking about it if they do this a bet it will be a success. Afterall
many CoD players only play CoD.
Try Hards =p
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