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Personal Information
Join Date:May 25, 2011
BirthdayOctober 8th, 1991
Occupation:Software Developer
Interests:Baseball, videogames, doing random stupid stuff with friends
Biography:No one reads these, if you really want to know message me
WyoChuck's Awards

This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
MottoI don't need a motto
WyoChuck's Shoutbox
Meta - 11 years ago

happy birthday schnookums!

Mo the Surfer - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

BillJones0302 - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

DeWayne - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!

DeafeningLime - 12 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Mo the Surfer - 12 years ago

Happy Birthday!!

BillJones0302 - 12 years ago

Happy Birthday!!

ShadowMachine X - 12 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

TheScottShadow - 13 years ago

Thanks for the welcome man!

ShadowMachine X - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

safemachine - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Pfff bring it! Also, MoH isn't bad, basically CoD and BF put together... but the online is kind of dead, and some of the achievements are kinda stupid as well :\ but overall it's not bad!

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

We weren't friends on xbl. So I made that nearly official, all you have to do is accept it! :) PS how is Red Dead going?

kroberts11 - 14 years ago


Ashley - 14 years ago

Yes I need to boost MK lol Everyone ends up being no show to the boosting sessions

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Shit, I want $1400 :P What kind of work is it?

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

14hrs does not sound like fun dude. I'm making my last trip to my parents house tomorrow with stuff from my apt, and I still haven't finished packing all my little shit yet. Not to mention I still have to load the car tomorrow before I go, ughh.

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Um I always miss you hahaha :) How do you like RDR so far?

kroberts11 - 14 years ago


guitarslay3r - 14 years ago

They are a group of jerks. Btw i'm probly going to vanish from Xboxamerica... for ever, people are stuck up assholes on this site.

guitarslay3r - 14 years ago

DO NOT TRUST ANYONE who says the stupid slogans like "Floaters grab a life vest!" and "ima miss me" they are fake d-bags. 98% of the time. AND ALSO! The OC is annoying, it consists of; Bbdamian, Dorkishbarbi, Charming2010, and Aquamarine. Aswell as various others

guitarslay3r - 14 years ago

DO NOT TRUST ANYONE who says the stupid slogans like "Floaters grab a life vest!" and "ima miss me" they are fake d-bags. 98% of the time. AND ALSO! The OC is annoying, it consists of; Bbdamian, Dorkishbarbi, Charming2010, and Aquamarine. Aswell as various others

guitarslay3r - 14 years ago

I took a break until September. check me out Chhsfreshman2009, I got your back in games man, you should know this- I get my solid alliance in the beggining and I STICK with them and do anything I can to keep the members safe.

guitarslay3r - 14 years ago

Yeah, Big Brother isn't going to work on here! :( BUT I got a better idea. "Xbox America's next great gamer" where it can have like 12 people or something and it lasts for a certain amount of time, like 8 weeks or so. And each week the person with the least amount of gamerscore gained is eliminated

guitarslay3r - 14 years ago

Are you talking about Tengaged.com? If so, know this, I use to be pretty famous on there haha known as "Chhs" if not what's the site?

AJ - 14 years ago

Ok cool. Tomorrow sounds good. I'll be on about 1030pm or 11pm central time.

AJ - 14 years ago

Hey man. Saw your post in the MK thread. I'll send you a FR when I get home from work. I'll also be on all day tomorrow if you wanna boost. Is the 10% achievement ranked only as well? I looked at the achievement list and it only says 2 achievements are ranked only.