I wish I had a comfy pc chair
Archived: Corrupted Wish Game
Posted Under: Forum Games
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
07/20/11 1:28 am | #16
You invent the Snuggie and it fails in stores, losing you a fortune.
I wish I had a comfy pc chair
I wish I had a comfy pc chair
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
07/20/11 2:35 am | #17
You get a comfy PC chair and become morbidly obese from sitting in the chair for months at a time.
I wish I was a little bit taller..
I wish I was a little bit taller..
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
07/20/11 6:34 am | #18
You become taller and by association also a baller, however you are on someone else's turf and they kick your ass.
I wish i didn't have to wake up early.
I wish i didn't have to wake up early.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
07/22/11 10:37 am | #19
Wish granted, but you wake up late everyday around the time everyone else goes to sleep 
I wish I didn't have to drive today

I wish I didn't have to drive today
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
08/09/11 1:15 pm | #20
Wish granted - Some asshole decided to steal your car!!!
I wish that I was rich!!!
I wish that I was rich!!!
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
08/09/11 5:37 pm | #21
You become rich from the stock market, which as we've seen lately is a little risky so you might lose it all!!
I wish it was winter already
I wish it was winter already
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
08/09/11 5:50 pm | #22
For some strange reason you forgot that it IS winter already. You go outside, fall asleep and get frostbitten... IN YOUR BOOBS!!!
I wish I had Magneto's powers.
I wish I had Magneto's powers.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
08/10/11 12:29 am | #23
Wish granted - You now attract metal to you - but you can't turn it off. You spend the rest of your short life under a massive pile of metal that ultimately becomes your tomb.
I wish I had x-ray vision!!!
I wish I had x-ray vision!!!
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
08/12/11 1:22 pm | #24
You gain X-ray vision, but are unable to properly control it or discern its features so you run into a brick wall, and fall into a coma.
I wish that I could have three more wishes.
I wish that I could have three more wishes.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
08/12/11 4:37 pm | #25
Wish granted, but the genie who granted you those wishes also gave you a time limit of a nanosecond.
I wish I was 17 again.
I wish I was 17 again.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
09/19/11 1:41 am | #26
wish granted you are now 17, pimple faced and the biggest nerd in school your new name is poindexter and u get off to bug collections....
i wish i had my mind
i wish i had my mind
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
10/22/11 6:49 pm | #27
Wish granted...but now you are the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.
I wish my neighbor wasn't crazy.
I wish my neighbor wasn't crazy.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
12/06/11 11:25 pm | #28
Your neighbor is cured from their insanity, but as a result they remember all the items that you "borrowed" from them, and demand them back!
I wish I could be well financed for my endeavors.
I wish I could be well financed for my endeavors.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
12/07/11 9:58 am | #29
Wish Granted - But the person that is financing them demands to take all of the credit and is constantly looking over your shoulder. Everywhere you go he is going to be there, too.
I wish my hands didn't hurt.
I wish my hands didn't hurt.
Re: Corrupted Wish Game
12/07/11 3:11 pm | #30
You don't feel anymore pain in your hands.................because they have been removed.
I wish that I could find the best hamburger in the world.
I wish that I could find the best hamburger in the world.