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books 'n movies
07/30/08 9:59 pm | #1
just wondering if anyone's read/seen any good books/movies lately.
nothing new, but i currently read american psycho. loved it.
saw the movie shortly after. a little dissapointed.
also saw dressed to kill for the first time a few days ago. brilliant. i guess it's an old movie based off a hitchcock, but if i hadn't known i would have believed it was a couple years old.
i'm also really looking forward to seeing the dark knight in theater.
Re: books 'n movies
07/30/08 10:02 pm | #2
Good Movies Lately: The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Wall-E
I haven't read many books lately, I read WAY more during the school year, but my favorite books are the Harry Potter Series, and the Inheritance Series (Eragon). I also liked the Halo Novels, and I look forward to the Gears book, "Gears of War - The Pendulum Wars" and the two sequels to that novel.
Re: books 'n movies
07/30/08 11:04 pm | #5
I love Eragon! and the 3rd book in the series comes out sep 25th!!
Re: books 'n movies
07/30/08 11:49 pm | #6
Read anything by Dan Brown or David Baldacci.
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 12:04 am | #7
the king of kong was good. strange in some ways, bringing out the nerd in all of us... or at least the main character, hahah, but i enjoyed it.
never read anything by dan brown or david baldacci, hockeypuck.
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 2:17 am | #8
I just read the Dark Materials Trilogy ( which includes The Golden Compass; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass) by philip pullman
Also a good book is Silent Witness by Richard North Patterson
The original I AM LEGEND book is good
and if your into weird stuff...i have to suggest Mister B. Gone by Clive Barker ( GrEaT book, but just a tad bit weird)
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 3:46 am | #9
I just finished Running With Scissors, damn good book and a pretty good movie too.
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 6:05 am | #10
well, i havent read anything RECENTLY that was of any interest. but about 2 or 3 years ago i read this good book called Dragon Rider, but i cant remember the author. but i dare say it was quite a decent book if youre into dragons and sci-fi/fantasy stuff
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 9:08 am | #11
Ya, Dragon Rider ended up turning into a big series and stuff.
I just recently read Reflex which is a novel that is a sequel to the novel which was the basis for the movie Jumper. The author's mind/pen flutters through thoughts usually relegated to the back of your gamer-brain while all the Hollywood-style action is going on. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 11:13 am | #12
Nice Rev...I didn't know there was a sequel to it...I will mos def have to go check that book out...i loved the movie...the book stay pretty in line with the movie or do I need to read the first book before I read Reflex?
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 3:02 pm | #13
Quote by alzapa:
I love Eragon! and the 3rd book in the series comes out sep 25th!!
Ya I am sooo excited! And I loved King of Kong too. Billy was a bit of an ass though...
Re: books 'n movies
07/31/08 3:38 pm | #14
my girl read running with scissors. think she liked it but it's been ahile, haha.
and yeah, billy from king of kong was such an ass.
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