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Sticky: BioShock Infinite
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Re: Re: BioShock Infinite
10/10/12 6:51 pm | #46
DAMMIT!!! Damn stupid Ken Levine and his lying mouth!!! I owe Evol $50 now.
Re: BioShock Infinite
10/18/12 9:18 pm | #49
i really want that 150 edition.
Re: Re: Re: Re: BioShock Infinite
10/18/12 9:33 pm | #50
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Kat:
DAMMIT!!! Damn stupid Ken Levine and his lying mouth!!! I owe Evol $50 now.
For what?
He said a few months ago that the next time people would see Bioshock Infinite was when it was finished. Evol doubted it, but I was like "No- he wouldn't lie!"
I have a problem.
Also, eeeee, I want the songbird edition!!!
Re: BioShock Infinite
10/23/12 2:39 pm | #52
^^that trailer was dope, man February is a packed month full of a ton of good games, dead space 3, MGS Revengance, and Bioshock, with SOuth Park and Lara Croft the first week of March.

my wallet never gets a break.
Re: Re: Re: BioShock Infinite
12/01/12 6:41 pm | #55
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
^^that trailer was dope, man February is a packed month full of a ton of good games, dead space 3, MGS Revengance, and Bioshock, with SOuth Park and Lara Croft the first week of March.

my wallet never gets a break.
BioShock is a no-brainer for me....the hard choice for me is whether I should get South Park or Dead Space 3.
fortunately for you south park was delayed, but that doesn't change the fact lara croft comes out a week after bioshock though.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BioShock Infinite
12/02/12 2:42 am | #57
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
fortunately for you south park was delayed, but that doesn't change the fact lara croft comes out a week after bioshock though.
Yeah that's the only good news about the South Park delay..still eager to play it though. But I'll probably just rent the new lara croft game...never played any of the others.
Lara Croft, Dead Space 3, and Bioshock Infinite all look pretty amazing
Re: BioShock Infinite
12/02/12 3:14 pm | #60
Looking at the cover art I want to say that Bioshock Infinite is going to be a western.
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