I am from Texas, Austin matter fact. I run a team called Zombies of MErk here in the ATX, known as some of the most crucial players as a team over live. WE recently got 4th at a tourney in HOUSTOn. And we plan to participate in the upcoming CPL toruney in DALLAS. some of you may see me hosting or raoming around in the player matches, I dont run too many ranked matches anymore though,
WE have a team full of players, all from TEXAS, you'll see us across racing formats, gears of war, and Halo. (mostly GoW)
feel free to check out our website, and register at will. I would like to get to know everyone and join forces. We also have a special team that will be hosting major tournaments for the Austin area, bringing all that we can from across the state. Specialized and experienced people that know how to run brackets and very organized plans.
thanks everyone, and I will be around