Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
I get an "Error" message saying "Sorry, we are very busy at the moment. Please try again later." I've been trying since I got to work at 7:30 this morning. Friggin Microsoft should have enough capacity to handle these sort of things before they introduce them.
I think the site is down right now, I am getting the same message. I think it will be up soon. I am just about to get my 1500 acheivement points.
Quote by San Grial:
Finally registered. I'm entering at level 2. That's cool, here's hoping I can get the 1500 points soon to get some free stuff. Thanks Microsoft!
BTW - why doesn't this link work to show my reward gamertag link they give on the reward site?
<img src="http://xboxrewards.msgamestudios.com/gamer/GamerCard.aspx?tag=San%20Grial" alt="San Grial" />
I tried to put it into my signature but it isn't working, any ideas?
that same thing happened to me untill I did the steps I mentioned in my last post.