I hope everyone is having a great New Year; 2009 is not only looking to be one of the best as far as gaming, but it is also shaping up to be an amazing year for our beloved XbA. Boobie has worked tirelessly to not only update, but practically recreate an entirely new site for us to enjoy; we all appreciate it and I think I speak for everyone when I say Thank You. Our active members are also at an all-time high, and our 360voice group has grown considerably.
XbA has also seen some staff changes this year, as well, and I would like to take this opportunity to announce, and publicly welcome two new Staff Writers to our team: Lord Aldemar and Minioger. Both of these gamers have done a great job already in keeping us up to date as far as news, as well as providing us with some very interesting reading material. I am sure that both of these talented writers will waffle their way into our hearts!