Quote by Lord Fragg:
this game makes me wanna' pull out my private hairs.
i'm on "burn 'em up" or whatever and i can't stand this shit! GRRRR!!!
i was liking this game alot at first, but i have some major gripes.
the enemies use WAYYY too many grenades. it's like a goddamn hot-potato festival.
secondly, adaptive difficulty much?
i'm no noob when it comes to COD but holy shit.
i get my checkpoint, get used to the line of fire ahead of me, die a few times, and then BAM.
one more sniper here, 2 more ground units there, yada yada.
i'm just going to go to bed now. when i start up my 360 in the morning after a good night's sleep all will be well and i will conquer this call of duty like all the others.

If you got frustrated and stopped on burn em out then you will have some fun and trouble later on. the last assault on okinaway is hard enough recruit lol.
I checked the achievements you got so far on your XBL profile and you missed out on some really easy achievments at the beginning. Like saving Private Ryan for instance. oh and when you get to "Black Cats" make sure you shoot out the spotlights, its one of the easiest achievments, that and dont die on that lvl, its the easiest lvl to do on either hardened or veteran. just make sure you shoot down the PT B's and you will do just fine.
If you need any tips on any of the lvl's let me knw.