Archived: Tracking your movement up the list
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
Tracking your movement up the list
04/13/07 5:49 pm | #1
I would love if there was a way to keep track of how many spots you moved up since joining the site so you can track your progress.
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
04/13/07 8:43 pm | #2
I would love if there was a way to keep track of how many spots you moved up since joining the site so you can track your progress.
You also realize that as others join with more points you may be moving the "wrong way" on the list

Re: Tracking your movement up the list
04/13/07 9:03 pm | #3
Quote by zoboa:
You also realize that as others join with more points you may be moving the "wrong way" on the list 

Yea, the majority of people move down in rank and few gain more than 10. I could institute something that tracks total gamerscore gained since you've signed up and I guess position. We'll see. Since I don't have any data from when everyone signed up, any of these stats would be from now on.
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
04/14/07 1:20 pm | #4
Quote by zoboa:
You also realize that as others join with more points you may be moving the "wrong way" on the list 


Re: Tracking your movement up the list
04/16/07 10:33 pm | #5
Another alternative might be tracking how many people you 'beat,' without counting the same person twice. I'd have to think about how to do that. If I can get it working behind the scenes, I'll add something to the profiles.
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
04/17/07 1:59 am | #6
oh that would be cool if you need help with it i wouldn't mind lending a hand do i need to be staff to help???
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/20/07 1:08 pm | #7
Ya that would be really cool i second your motion

Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 11:01 am | #8
So what ever happen to this idea??
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 11:41 am | #9
I think it got dumped in the trash. o.O;
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 1:26 pm | #10
Like your paris hilton videos after you saw her pick up her phone in it
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 1:31 pm | #11
I don't understand what that means...
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 1:50 pm | #12
Lol youd get it, if you were a guy
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 2:12 pm | #13
Quote by Crusified Ninja:
Like your paris hilton videos after you saw her pick up her phone in it
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/28/07 4:19 pm | #14
I'm a half-lesbian, doesn't that count? o.O;
Re: Tracking your movement up the list
08/29/07 11:19 am | #15
Wow really got off subject I mean the whole idea got dumped in the trash half way though the thread. lol. u guys (and girls) have anything better to do that type stuff in thats not even about the thread!