I apologize for the democratic attitude on a subject that is a tad bit mediocre as the Virtual World but later on down the line, I assure that the Gaming World will probably become a way-of-life.
Straight to the punch line, this new Xbox Live Experience that is due in Autumn is just approximately \"around-the-corner\". Many additional features were somewhat guaranteed to occur on the Xbox Live dashboard and the whole world of gaming (personally, I am favoring the Eight-way Xbox Live private chat sessions that was suggested). I assume that this is a revolution of gaming that everyone would favor. I have suggested an extension on Private Chat options since I first selected the option to perform a One-on-One chat.
One con I discovered however is the usage of Avatars...? O.K, so like the first object I want to see is a 8 year old stereotypical view of a human (my \"intelligent\" method of saying Cartoons). May I stress the fact that the ratio of adults/maturity to childhood via Xbox Live is always lopsided in our favor? What can be one possible outcome due from this small (possible) change from Gamer-pics to witless dolls? Xbox Live community converting into Zwinky. As you can accord, I certainly do not look forward to this particular thought in action.
By all means if there are any \"rumors\" or updates that you heard about the New Xbox Live Experience do not be shy. I love to hear other opinions and/or \"rumors\" as well.