Ok, I need to chime in on this one, first this is the media pulling the wool over you eyes... again. 100 cases is NOT an outbreak, unless all 100 cases are in a localized area. Swine Flu is nothing new people, they tried pulling the same crap back in the 1970's, the government scared people into paying close to $150 for flu shots that were no different than the $20 I get every year. I diden't think Obama's stimulus package included mass media terror to get the economy going.
Please don't fall for this load of crap if you notice majority of the cases are found in Mexico, which if you ever been there, you woulden't be surprised that the black plague isn't running rampent down there. If your one of the many people scared by this media tatic, then I feel sorry for you.
BTW I'm guessing the next "Outbreak" will be a couple people catching the black plauge, which if you google it, there are still people catching it. Everyone will be scared into buying whatever they're selling.