Quote by PSORaine:
Quote by Epik Mithra:
Unless your an abusive alcoholic then it's a big problem :/
But, that's an entirely different story.
So basically, all us gamers are alcoholic sociopaths hopped up on weed with no morals or self-esteem, who'll shoot up an unsuspecting school simply because "video games make people violent"
not to mention, gaming teach us the importance of head shots and gives us the perfect hand-eye coordination to get the job done.
Did I miss anything?
Btw, I don't drink, smoke or do drugs so I find this to be quite laughable.
But you're a girl, Mithra... so that means you have no self esteem... of COURSE you drink and do drugs.

Of course, of course, what's wrong with me?

I'll have to pick up some hard liquor and some "cannabis" on the way home from work. Any suggestions?
Wait, can crazed, antisocial gamers work? I may have to quit my job *gasp*