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Quote by Four Channel:
I think that was a crazy statement lol
got it this past weekend during Gamestop's sale for $34.99, plus my 10% Edge Card discount on used games. roughly $34 with tax. good stuff
but i need people to play with so if anyone want's to play hit me up
Quote by Four Channel:
Man I agree 100%, it really was fun and was especially awesome playing co-op with someone. So many reviewers out there bashed it for the most idiotic reasons. And of course there are legions of gaming zombies that can't making a fucking choice for themselves so they just accepted the tepid reactions and didn't even bother to try it.
Sometimes I just cannot believe the cookie-cutter bullshit that gets 8's and 9's across the board and gains a huge following while so many genuinely interesting & original games with fun gameplay get panned by corporate tool reviewers and relegated to bargain bins, putting great developers out of business.
I fucking guarantee you that if Game Informer and Kotaku had run major features of the game after its release and given it a good rating, citing its strenghs, it would be a fucking platinum hit right now. Nope, they'd rather make fun of how much trouble the studio had with engine iterations and the bad camera, even though 99% of all third person games have shitty cameras. Argh.
Ok, I'm better now.
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Four Channel:
Man I agree 100%, it really was fun and was especially awesome playing co-op with someone. So many reviewers out there bashed it for the most idiotic reasons. And of course there are legions of gaming zombies that can't making a fucking choice for themselves so they just accepted the tepid reactions and didn't even bother to try it.
Sometimes I just cannot believe the cookie-cutter bullshit that gets 8's and 9's across the board and gains a huge following while so many genuinely interesting & original games with fun gameplay get panned by corporate tool reviewers and relegated to bargain bins, putting great developers out of business.
I fucking guarantee you that if Game Informer and Kotaku had run major features of the game after its release and given it a good rating, citing its strenghs, it would be a fucking platinum hit right now. Nope, they'd rather make fun of how much trouble the studio had with engine iterations and the bad camera, even though 99% of all third person games have shitty cameras. Argh.
Ok, I'm better now.
Way to kill a thread M3TA!
I'm just going to come right out and say it... I'm thinking it... and maybe someone else is thinking it too.... so I'm just going to come right out and say it.... you are right!
100% right my friend. The camera angle sucks ass. The ability to not be in control the camera is an oversight by the devs. Does this make it a bad game? NOT AT ALL!! In fact, innovation rarely succeeds before success is reached.
Did the original Mass Effect get bombed this hard for the exact same difficulties? Ummm... NO!
Though in defense of Mass Effect, it wasn't overly plagued by harsh third person camera angles like Too Human, which could have (and probably would have) been launched on the original Xbox, if it met it's original launch date.
And that leads me to where is the Too Human Two? Wasn't it touted as a trilogy? Just saying....
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Just got it now to find time to play it.......................
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