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Recent Pick Ups
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Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
01/24/10 12:37 am | #286
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
I picked up , or im borrowing Mini Ninjas from one of my friends right now , its sitting there for when i finish Devil May Cry
Im pondering trying Timeshift or Section 8 if anyone has any comments they want to make about the two, good or bad
I've heard some bad things about Timeshift.. I would ask Minioger though, I know he completed it but had a problem with something or knows how to fix a problem.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
01/24/10 12:46 am | #289
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
Quote by AJ:
I've heard some bad things about Timeshift.. I would ask Minioger though, I know he completed it but had a problem with something or knows how to fix a problem.
Bad has it , its not fun or something glitching in the game ? i dont really care for the achievements , me and my friend are just looking for something to play together online xD
Oh ok, yea something with hosting for 40 hours or something along those lines to get one achievement. I think there a problem with that. Other than that, go for it.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
01/26/10 12:05 am | #293
Picked up Sneak King (only because Noah challenged me to complete it), The Outfit, and Civil War: Secret Missions today . All for free because I returned Jurassic: The Hunted after 1k'ing it.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
01/31/10 4:12 am | #294
We went to Gamestop yesterday and picked up Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Magna Carta 2, Conan, and a spare copy of NBA Live '07 simply to boost with! It was only $3 lol.
I just started on Mass Effect 2 and I like it so far!
Re: Recent Pick Ups
02/04/10 2:14 pm | #297
Lego Indy and Kung Fu Panda for the completions... Again
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
02/04/10 11:59 pm | #298
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Well I just bought Divinity 2 off ebay. I was winning at $26 for the last 10 minutes, then with 12 seconds left, some bastard tried to snipe me and raised it up to $30. I had bid up to $32 though, so I still won. I got it new for less than the used price at gamestop, though.
It was probably him trying to get more money off of you.
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