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Recent Pick Ups
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Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/04/09 9:21 pm | #241
We finally got off our asses and bought a copy of Borderlands of our very own!!
Time to 1k it finally! If my calculations are correct, if I 1k it, it will be the game that puts me over 75% completion!
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/04/09 10:22 pm | #242
Quote by theevol1:
We finally got off our asses and bought a copy of Borderlands of our very own!!
Time to 1k it finally! If my calculations are correct, if I 1k it, it will be the game that puts me over 75% completion!
You and lady should love this game, its a quick 1k, its a blast to play, and has some of the most kick ass weapons in gaming. Me and queen had a blast rocking this out.
On topic..
I picked up
- UFC Undisputed 09. I sent it right back, controls felt so complex I swore I was trying to launch a missle on a national defense computer.
- Magna Carta 2. I havent had time to go throgh it, cant wait thought. The little piece I had to play makes me want more, NOW!
- Tekken 6 - Fighting is good, but main campaign sucked hardcore. After 600 GS sent it back, was happy with that.
Re: Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/04/09 10:57 pm | #243
Quote by ImpureKing44:
You and lady should love this game, its a quick 1k, its a blast to play, and has some of the most kick ass weapons in gaming. Me and queen had a blast rocking this out.
Well, we rented it and enjoyed it a lot! We've been talking about buying it, but tried to wait the price down. I'm around level 28 or so and have over 500 points, so I didn't want to pay full price for it!
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 1:01 am | #244
Quote by theevol1:
We finally got off our asses and bought a copy of Borderlands of our very own!!
Time to 1k it finally! If my calculations are correct, if I 1k it, it will be the game that puts me over 75% completion!
Sweet! "Look at me! I'm dancin'! I'm dancin'!"
Hit me up for some co-op. My recent pick up is Lego Rock Band. Got it from gamefly yesterday.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 12:23 pm | #247
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 1:00 pm | #249
Quote by Golden138:
Not game of the year material, but yeah, it's playable.
Also, another pickup this morning:
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Ben 10
I have $500 to be blown....so are you saying...buy rogue warrior?
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 1:03 pm | #251
Quote by Golden138:
Rentable yes. Buyable, If I were you, I'd look at other titles.
Right arm.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 1:19 pm | #252
$500 to be blown. Buy me a game

Re: Re: Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 1:31 pm | #253
Quote by theevol1:
Quote by ImpureKing44:
You and lady should love this game, its a quick 1k, its a blast to play, and has some of the most kick ass weapons in gaming. Me and queen had a blast rocking this out.
Well, we rented it and enjoyed it a lot! We've been talking about buying it, but tried to wait the price down. I'm around level 28 or so and have over 500 points, so I didn't want to pay full price for it!
You cheap ass ;p
And looks like they plan to release more dlc and will want to make the borderlands Ip a long lasting and important one (gearbox has said).
I wonder whats next....
Re: Recent Pick Ups
12/05/09 3:23 pm | #254
I got Dragon Age:Origins, Scene-It 3, and Wolfenstein as Christmas presents for myself! It means others dont have to pick games for me! I also have Viva Pinata 2 under the tree, picked by my Mom, she liked the first. LOL
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