Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
The day has finally come. My very first Xbox 360 has decided to go out to pasture. But not by way of the dreaded Red Ring or the dreaded E74. Nope on this day December 6th, 2009 my very first xbox that I got the day before launch has decided to commit video card suicide (will not play any video but audio is still there)
. BUT FEAR NOT XBAers. I have been prepared for this day! I have an arcade edition that is just as good as my old premium buddy even though it doesn't have the chrome disc drive. You earned me a great 205,576 Gamerscore and for that I will forever love you.
RIP ol' friend.
MFG Date 10/24/2005 - Day of Death 12/6/2009 you served me good ol' buddy.
I'm gunna go pour a 40 on the curb for my fallen homie.
I dont know you but I feel the pain of your loss. But it is better to love and lost than to never have loved at all, right?
That being said, I have lost three of my beloved xboxes, twice to the red ring of death reaper, once to a rough case of e74. My current xbox has been working fine but I fear it has mood swings and might take its own life soon.
I will fire off a 10 round salute for your xbox (with my kids nerf gun)