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Full Game - Magic: The Gathering

ReDeFiNe PRiDe

Personal Information
Join Date:Apr 12, 2009
BirthdayFebruary 18th
Favorite GameAfro Samurai
Least Favorite Game2k10 Draft Combine
Hardest AchievementFirefight on ODST. Had to solo it
Funniest AchievementDarwin would be proud. Die in Saw
Occupation:concrete Construction
Interests:Gaming, pool, music, and movies
ReDeFiNe PRiDe's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
GamertagReDeFiNe PRiDe
MottoMy SKiLL > YoUr SkiLL
24/Kearney NE/ Halo 3, NCAA 09, GTA IV, and AO2 are what im into right now. RPG FPS RTS Are my fav genre. Love rock. evo_pride@hotmail.com love all of yea PEace
ReDeFiNe PRiDe's Shoutbox
DeWayne - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!!

AJ - 11 years ago

Read the thread. I'm waiting for replies to the messages I've sent out.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

Btw ur 2nd sig doesnt show up

Daniel - 15 years ago

Lol Can't belive I haven't checked in all day =O...lol I belive we can win, after all we have not completed as many waffles as other people

Daniel - 15 years ago

My mom Takes away My ethernet Cable Period on the Weekdays she used to just hide it, but now locks it shut (I had a habit of Finding it Easily, and she had a habit of knowing exactly how it was, she then ) I don't really Aim for online achievements unless My internet Play nice with the Game (Halo, Worms, Castle Crashers, BluR, and others.) My connection is not what you call the "Best" I used my Cellphone for internet (Hey 2mbps for free, that's not a bad deal at all.) But yeah that's my life's story... I can help you get the Achievements on ALL The music Games (Except Rock Revolution, but that's not a game that's utter crap) remember 1 thing though save all the EASY Achievements until next month Go I might go pick up some sports games, you could too, I saw madden 06,07,08 for 1-3$ each :) GO TEAM iCoNiC PRiDe!!!!

Daniel - 15 years ago

Awesome, One Thing though I'm NOT Allowed to play online on the Weekdays. Though when Summer Starts I can play till my hearts desire :)

ReDeFiNe PRiDe - 15 years ago

word! We agree on that than lol. I'll send you an addy to XBL

Daniel - 15 years ago


Daniel - 15 years ago

btw I already have some good games to get easy achieves DiRT Brutal Legends some XBLA games Assassins Creed 1 The Orange Box and Many more :D

Daniel - 15 years ago

LOL I wish to leave the Name to you I can never think of something Original-Good

Daniel - 15 years ago

If you still want a partner I'm available now, I can't guarantee you That will rack up 1million points but I will try my best, also trying to get into the Waffle thread So I can get my First game before this starts

xRoWx Assassin - 15 years ago

Thanks for backing me up on "Remember Me", you're a good person :)

- 15 years ago

did you check your PM from me?

PureEvil x21 - 15 years ago

Yeah, but what really irked the 3 of us was that he was just as guilty of what he was complaining about as we were, yet he was telling everyone it was just us. That's what blew it out of proportion.

PureEvil x21 - 15 years ago

I sent a small book's worth of what went down in a pm, did you not get it?

Meta - 15 years ago

YAY internets GET!

Adrian - 16 years ago

sorry to heat about that :( also no not a problem try when you can I'm trusting everyone to be straight and narrow(which everyone is)

Adrian - 16 years ago

you havent played since 07/04/09? 30,613

Adrian - 16 years ago

what was your starting gs?

Bovice63 - 16 years ago

Hey man i want pimp my ride!! check my games out in the thread, lets see if we cant work out a deal!

Adrian - 16 years ago

that is fine just keep logs of you gs each day

Adrian - 16 years ago

it says you havent been logged in for 2 months just need you to be logged in for verification purposes of the tourney

- 16 years ago

i dont have it any more

Adrian - 16 years ago

why haven't you logged into xbox live budd?

AJ - 16 years ago

I'll do mercs 2 for the outfit (9.99 used), and pimp my ride (also 9.99 used) World in flames is 18 used. Let me know

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Alright. I'll probably be getting into contact with you when I get some games completed

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Which NCAA March Madness do you have for trade?

AJ - 16 years ago

it's cool

- 16 years ago
