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Archived: Prey Multiplayer
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Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 4:43 pm | #1
Anyone willing to help a poor little girl out who only plays games cause she's fat? (Notice all the comments about girls being inferior?)
If you want to play Prey, then let me know via IM, or PM. Or just post here and we'll play.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 5:02 pm | #2
Just to play or for achievements?
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 5:10 pm | #3
For achievements obviously. I have zero MP Prey achievements, and I know very few people play it because apparently the MP sucks...but still...
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 5:27 pm | #4
Its not that it sucks, its just way too laggy.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 5:29 pm | #5
-shrug- I still wanna try it.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 7:20 pm | #6
prey is an awesome game i like it but i dont play online often
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 7:23 pm | #7
Well I'm playing it right now if anyone wants to join.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 11:41 pm | #8
IM IN ive been lookin for ppl to play with me for a long time
i want to play
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 11:43 pm | #9
I'll be on around 11 tomorrow as I wait for the rank increase for the COD4 beta at 1PM my time.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 11:53 pm | #10
well i have classes untill like 11 or later depends
but i sent u a fr on live
ill message u later or something tmmrw
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/06/07 11:58 pm | #11
I have class until 9:50 AM then I'm home free!!
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 12:00 am | #12
well did u say you were gong to play cod4 beta?
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 1:19 am | #13
wish I still had my copy of prey
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:07 am | #14
I won't be playing CoD4 beta until about 1 PM my time.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:20 pm | #15
ive played the pray demo and it seemed alright. but idk if ill get it. if i do id play it online with you
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