Archived: Prey Multiplayer
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:23 pm | #16
It's about 17.99 now at GameStop I think.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:29 pm | #17
oh wow thats alot cheaper then buying a second crackdown
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:38 pm | #18
Quote by Detreth:
ive played the pray demo and it seemed alright. but idk if ill get it. if i do id play it online with you
ur so nice to people dustin lol
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:43 pm | #19
well theyre nice to me so i have no reason not to be back to them
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/07/07 8:45 pm | #20
ya it makes sense
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/11/07 9:19 pm | #21
lol I know this post is a little old, but I can help you get all the achievements if you're still interested. I only need like 4 more multiplayer achievements, but in the same boat (no one to play with).
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/11/07 10:09 pm | #22
I only got one multiplayer achievement thanks to a mate overseas who decided to help me out since he didn't have any either I think. It goes a lot faster with more than one person to kill though.

Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:27 am | #23
Lol, true true. I got all the weapon achievements from only playing with one person (Only person I could find). It kinda sucks, I really liked this game but never got to play the multiplayer too much.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:31 am | #24
It takes a LONG time to get the weapon multiplayer achievements. =/
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:35 am | #25
You're preaching to the choir. I got them all except for leech gun because the guy I was playing with quit on me.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:38 am | #26
I only got the wrench and so did my mate. XD
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:42 am | #27
LMAO. Nothing like beating each other in the head with a wrench back and forth. Getting the guns are a little more entertaining...a little...
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:43 am | #28
I can get it from my friend to play it again BUT ONLY IF YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUS ABOUT GETTING THE ACHIEVEMENTS. Didn't like the multi player too much
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:44 am | #29
Yeah. It took like 20 minutes to do the wrench though. It got late and I was tired and I was like 'thanks for the help, see ya'
Crook: If we can settle on a date and time then yeah.
Crook: If we can settle on a date and time then yeah.
Re: Prey Multiplayer
09/12/07 8:57 am | #30
I'm down Crook, just let me know when.