Archived: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 8:32 am | #17
lol I honestly think my PS3 is ok but I never use it. The most I ever used it was when I was playing Metal Gear Solid 4 or when my laptop's hard drive got fried and what did I use it for the shitty ass Internet browser that froze every 3 frigging minutes (mainly used to look at 360 sites) oh and I played a little bit of Little Big Planet too I guess. I own maybe 5 or 6 PS3 games and about 100-200 (Too many to count but I'm going on my 136 360 games completed) Xbox 360 games. The only other collection that comes close to that of mine is the PS2 collection I own because honestly yes it was the best system out there at the time and it had the best collection of games out there. Sure PSN is free but almost everytime I log in there is a goddamn system update that takes me 30-60 minutes to download for me only to spend 4 minutes checking the store to see if there are any free outfits for Little Big Planet, not to mention every time I want to play a new game I have to install the friggin thing for what shorter load times I could care less about load times as long as they arent taking forever which no game on the 360 really has long load times anyway. I pay 49.95 for my year of live (and sometimes cheaper if there is a sale going on somewhere) to not experience system updates every 2-3 weeks, that's why they do a yearly update like they just recently did and sure there is another update coming up close to christmas but who cares 2-4 updates a year isn't too bad. The only thin keeping me from selling my PS3 is that I collect video games and video game consoles. Hell I don't even use my PS3 as a Blu-Ray Player either because I won't buy a Blu-Ray until the day dvd's dont exist. One last thing. Trophies are a gay ass blatant rip-off of Achievements put in at the last moment because sony knew microsoft had a good thing going for them.
sorry i said some of the same stuff as you sprinter but i agree with everything you said
I wasn't bashing anyone (except sony and the PS3) so don't start any gay flame wars about it!
That is all
sorry i said some of the same stuff as you sprinter but i agree with everything you said

I wasn't bashing anyone (except sony and the PS3) so don't start any gay flame wars about it!
That is all

Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 11:38 am | #18
PS2 is an amazing console, this doesn't surprise me at all
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 12:31 pm | #19
I loved my PS2, so I can see why it is doing better.
Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 12:53 pm | #20
Quote by TheBrouhaha84:
PS2 is a great system and it doesent surprize me at all that it outsells the PS3 cause guess what I bet you its outselling the 360 also but you left out that little doozy.
PS3 is a great system and has ALOT of great things going for it no one can honestly deny that...YES its expensive...YES more people play xbox online...Does that make it a bad console? NOPE
Theres games on the ps3 that xbox just flat out cant handle and the PS3 out of the box comes with things Xbox makes you pay 100 dollars for....ehem wireless....
so ok I got myself a 160 gig ps3 with uncharted
Lets look at its closest competition the Elite 120gig with halo and fable
add a wireless adaptor
about the same price right?
now lets add on a year of PSN service
0.00 forever
Xbox Live?
49.99 for 1 year
I like xbox and both systems offer different things but if I want the best expearience I will side with a PS3.
PS3 is a great system and has ALOT of great things going for it no one can honestly deny that...YES its expensive...YES more people play xbox online...Does that make it a bad console? NOPE
Theres games on the ps3 that xbox just flat out cant handle and the PS3 out of the box comes with things Xbox makes you pay 100 dollars for....ehem wireless....
so ok I got myself a 160 gig ps3 with uncharted
Lets look at its closest competition the Elite 120gig with halo and fable
add a wireless adaptor
about the same price right?
now lets add on a year of PSN service
0.00 forever
Xbox Live?
49.99 for 1 year
I like xbox and both systems offer different things but if I want the best expearience I will side with a PS3.
I think Sprinter actually hit the nail on the head with his rebuttal to your post. I just can't help but think that your post sounds like you are 65 years old, trying to decide which console you want to buy for your grandchildren.
You have stacked up the price, but price only goes so far before quality MUST be the deciding factor. On paper, you can try to make the consoles sound comparable, but you can't fool the gamers. We have played both. We have been online. We are willing to pay $50 a year for a superior product. I'm not a fanboy or a MS employee. If PS3 was better, I would have one. It's not the price point. In fact, I have bought 2 360s so I have a backup if 1 RRODs. Yes, you heard correctly. I bought another console in case of failure, because I want a 360.
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 2:08 pm | #21
Sony = fail
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 3:02 pm | #22
The only games I miss from when I had my PS2 are SOCOM and MLB The Show. I have not played a baseball game for 3 years now cause 2K is garbage.
When I finally traded all my PS2 shit in I went with a 360 mainly because you can start out with an arcade or pro bundle then upgrade to a bigger HD later, which I have and for the fact that more of my friends own 360's. With the PS3 it's one or the other and they'll never lower their prices significantly until the fuckin Blue-Ray do.
When I finally traded all my PS2 shit in I went with a 360 mainly because you can start out with an arcade or pro bundle then upgrade to a bigger HD later, which I have and for the fact that more of my friends own 360's. With the PS3 it's one or the other and they'll never lower their prices significantly until the fuckin Blue-Ray do.
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 3:18 pm | #23
I have no problem playing my PS3 online and never have....The only problem I have is when PS3 games install to the hard drive which takes awhile but in the end the game runs better anyway.
I know this is a Xbox 360 fanboy site and know me supporting a PS3 is as useful as polishing a turd but I thought maybe throwing some facts at people may open some minds but I guess not.
I own both consoles and play both you can flame me for supporting my ps3 and enjoying it more if you like it still wont change my attitude.
Side note - I have had more conntecting issues with a Xbox 360 when it was wired then I ever had on my PS3 or wireless Xbox 360.
I know this is a Xbox 360 fanboy site and know me supporting a PS3 is as useful as polishing a turd but I thought maybe throwing some facts at people may open some minds but I guess not.
I own both consoles and play both you can flame me for supporting my ps3 and enjoying it more if you like it still wont change my attitude.
Side note - I have had more conntecting issues with a Xbox 360 when it was wired then I ever had on my PS3 or wireless Xbox 360.
Re: Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 3:36 pm | #25
Quote by sprinter461:
Quote by TheBrouhaha84:
PS2 is a great system and it doesent surprize me at all that it outsells the PS3 cause guess what I bet you its outselling the 360 also but you left out that little doozy.
PS3 is a great system and has ALOT of great things going for it no one can honestly deny that...YES its expensive...YES more people play xbox online...Does that make it a bad console? NOPE
Theres games on the ps3 that xbox just flat out cant handle and the PS3 out of the box comes with things Xbox makes you pay 100 dollars for....ehem wireless....
so ok I got myself a 160 gig ps3 with uncharted
Lets look at its closest competition the Elite 120gig with halo and fable
add a wireless adaptor
about the same price right?
now lets add on a year of PSN service
0.00 forever
Xbox Live?
49.99 for 1 year
I like xbox and both systems offer different things but if I want the best expearience I will side with a PS3.
PS3 is a great system and has ALOT of great things going for it no one can honestly deny that...YES its expensive...YES more people play xbox online...Does that make it a bad console? NOPE
Theres games on the ps3 that xbox just flat out cant handle and the PS3 out of the box comes with things Xbox makes you pay 100 dollars for....ehem wireless....
so ok I got myself a 160 gig ps3 with uncharted
Lets look at its closest competition the Elite 120gig with halo and fable
add a wireless adaptor
about the same price right?
now lets add on a year of PSN service
0.00 forever
Xbox Live?
49.99 for 1 year
I like xbox and both systems offer different things but if I want the best expearience I will side with a PS3.
I gotta add my 2 cents here...
So the wireless adapter is $100? So what? Why pay $100 to go slower? I'd rather run a wire, wireless IS convenient, but it SUCKS for speed... No it doesn't great for games no lag with wireless you say... But wait you brag about the large hard drives... What about large downloads? They SUCK on wireless... But hey to each their own I guess, you have more patience tham me. Personally I'd NEVER use wireless...
PSN is free? Yes. Who would pay for it? Honestly it's worthless. If I had NEVER used XBL I *might* have thought PSN was OK... But after XBL all I can think of is why can't Sony get their head out of their ass and offer a decent service? I won't even get into what XBL offers that PSN lacks, the list is long and I have to go to work in a few minutes...
If you want the best experience you will side with PS3?
What's your idea of best experience? Crappy online? Slow wireless? Shit controllers? Oh wait it plays Blu-ray... wow you got me there. Too bad I bought my 360 to play games... I know ONE person with a PS3... It's used purely as a Blu-ray player... He has a TON of games on his 360, and like 4 on his PS3. It collects more dust than his Wii does...
Does the PS3 have better graphics? I can't see much difference personally. Better sound? I can't hear any difference. Better controllers? HELL NO! Better online? Not even close! So XBL is $50/year, that's less than $1 a week. I waste more than that on soda... Besides you get what you pay for. If I had to use PSN, Sony better be paying ME... Better movie experience. Check. Sony clearly wins 1 out of 5. I'm still not spending $400 just to watch Blu-ray...
P.S. I bet the PS2 does outsell the 360... we live in a Walmart world, cheaper will always sell more than expensive... PS2 was a fantastic system when it came out, and probably has the best library of any console in history. I still can't beleive they removed backward compatibility from the PS3, that officially killed the PS3 for me, right then and there. I can't play any of the back library. I can play VC and GC on my Wii, and I can play a ton of Xbox on my 360... On a PS3? Nothing from the largest library in gaming history... how stupid was that?
Just because you didnt see better graphics doesent mean it doesent have them.....Prime example GTA4...Looks stunning on PS3...on 360 it looks good but not up to PS3.
Honestly I dont mind a 3 minute system update every 2 months it shows my consoles constantly evolveing and is constantly up to date.
I made a point to say the PS2 outsells the 360 just to be truthful...The title of this thread is PS2 outsells PS3 leaving out some key facts that made it misleading.
If the PS3 had a 199.99 price point all the nay sayers would own it and enjoy it and be stomping the PS3 bible with pride but until then I will just sit back and enjoy the thoughts and comments of closed minded people.
Re: Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 3:40 pm | #26
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by TheBrouhaha84:
I have no problem playing my PS3 online and never have
Me too. Whenever I play my PS3 online it runs just as smooth as any game on the 360.
Thanks for being honest dude
Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 3:50 pm | #27
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
been knew this
orly? i been had money.
how is the RPG selection on the PS3?
just curious. i'll never actually buy one lol.
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 4:05 pm | #28
You can play PS2 and PS1 games on PS3 just fine just get a console that does so Gamestop sells them refirbished.
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 7:14 pm | #29
The PS2 is extremely cheap right now, of course its gonna outsell the PS3... The PS2 is also a good system.
Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 9:23 pm | #30
Quote by TheBrouhaha84:
I know this is a Xbox 360 fanboy site and know me supporting a PS3 is as useful as polishing a turd but I thought maybe throwing some facts at people may open some minds but I guess not.
I own both consoles and play both you can flame me for supporting my ps3 and enjoying it more if you like it still wont change my attitude.
I own both consoles and play both you can flame me for supporting my ps3 and enjoying it more if you like it still wont change my attitude.
yea this is a 360 site but i love my ps3 to death.
both are great consoles. but i prefer my ps3.