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Zee Phat Tony

Personal Information
Join Date:Jul 19, 2009
BirthdayMarch 1st, 1992
Occupation:High school & such
Location:The sexy Milwaukee, WI
Interests:Hip hop and good music in general
Zee Phat Tony's Awards

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Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
GamertagZee Phat Tony
is just below heaven!
Zee Phat Tony's Shoutbox
Mike93 - 16 years ago

For sure, next time I make one I'll send it to you.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

The old way is still the best. I've been readin' some tutorials when someone asks me to make a banner but I still like how we used to make 'em

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Damn. Not bad, not bad. Especially for you bein' out of it for so long.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

That shit still pisses me off. It sucks, but eh, a bet's a bet. I get to take it off in February, next Super Bowl.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

I didn't, I lost a bet with a Steelers fan on here. Still love the Reds and Bengals. I've been meaning to change the man boobs though, just not sure what to yet.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

I'm gonna pick it up when I get another job. I have the TNA game, just never played it yet. I have a problem with that.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

I watch it sometimes, but there are a lot of people here that do. Limit is like 250 pixels high, not sure about width

Mike93 - 16 years ago

I made it for one of my friends on here, and yeah, she's a wrestler. I'm surprised you recognized that Kanye banner, its been a while since I've even showcased it. I made this dude named orange20's banner too, although it sucks.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Lol, carebear is only 3 posts away. Hey, I made a banner for the first time in forever last night, what do you think? http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o68/Dub_GFX/Maryse.jpg

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Just wait til you get to be a carebear.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

They're good people, mostly.

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Gotta get that post count up

Mike93 - 16 years ago

Ayo Steve-O!