Archived: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
Posted Under: Gaming
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PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/01/06 2:15 pm | #1
Check out this screenshot taken by our good pal Chuck over at GamingNexus. It shows the Gamespot page for the Playstation 3 surrounded by ads for the Microsoft Xbox 360. Apparently MS bought up all the ad space on the PS3 page for sh8ts and giggles. Can you say Punked!

Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/01/06 3:44 pm | #2
LOL, thats good stuff!
Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/01/06 3:46 pm | #3
Haha, that's priceless.
Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/01/06 4:05 pm | #4
money baby
Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/01/06 4:34 pm | #5
I think it's hilarious. Some ps3 fanboys were getting in a hissy fit about it, but I think it's all just good fun. If sony had done that to the xbox 360 page, I wouldn't really care
Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/01/06 5:31 pm | #6
hahahaha, nice find...
(btw i'm new, gotta rep b-ville
(btw i'm new, gotta rep b-ville

Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/10/06 1:48 pm | #7
Hahaha, that was a good find!! Down with the PS3!!!
12/10/06 6:25 pm | #8
Quote by zoboa:
Check out this screenshot taken by our good pal Chuck over at GamingNexus. It shows the Gamespot page for the Playstation 3 surrounded by ads for the Microsoft Xbox 360. Apparently MS bought up all the ad space on the PS3 page for sh8ts and giggles. Can you say Punked!

It looks as if the PS3 page is under attack by the 360 arsenal! lol
360 POWA!

Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
12/10/06 9:55 pm | #9
That is the best thing ever WOOT TO 360
Re: PS3 Pnwned by Microsoft
01/01/07 1:03 am | #10
Now that is funny!!!
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