Archived: No More Vodka
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No More Vodka
07/13/08 5:47 pm | #1
I will never drink vodka again. I have the worlds worst hangover EVER right now. Its at a low at the moment but i drank so much and got so hammered last night, from this day forward im vowing never to drink another sip of vodka again. And if i do drink anything alchoholic it will be 1-3 beers and thats it. I never want to be as drunk as i was last night ever again in my life.
Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 6:04 pm | #2
Good hope you learned your lesson lol
Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 6:07 pm | #3
stay away from the cheap stuff man, by rule of thumb, the cheaper the booze, the worse the headache.

Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 6:21 pm | #5
Grey Goose, I never get hung over on that. Great for drinking on worknights

Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 6:33 pm | #6
Tequila use to give me the WORST hangovers. Vodka was good to me but like Livewire said "better the liquir, less headache" and I think that applies to all alcohol. Like if you drink a shit ton of cheap beer, if you dont have a horrible hangover you'll atleast be pissin out your ass the next day hahahhahhhahahahhhhahahahhaa
Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 6:57 pm | #8
I'm starting to hate alcohol. My dad was in a wreck Friday night because he was drinking and he hit a damn parked car. Now I dunno when I'll see him next
Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 7:31 pm | #9
Quote by MDub93:
I'm starting to hate alcohol. My dad was in a wreck Friday night because he was drinking and he hit a damn parked car. Now I dunno when I'll see him next
damn that sucks....I got 3 dwi's in 2 years, received a felony on my record, and lost my license for 10 years (not to mention the other felonies for possesion of controlled substance). It DOES NOT pay to drink and drive believe me. I've been completly sober for 2 years and my life is so much better. Shit is finally getting back together and all that stuff happened almost 5 years ago.
So the morale of the story is "drugs are bad umm kay" ahhaa
Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 7:36 pm | #10
Quote by Crusified Ninja:
I will never drink vodka again. I have the worlds worst hangover EVER right now. Its at a low at the moment but i drank so much and got so hammered last night, from this day forward im vowing never to drink another sip of vodka again. And if i do drink anything alchoholic it will be 1-3 beers and thats it. I never want to be as drunk as i was last night ever again in my life.
bummer sucks for you because MY HEAD IS FINE haha
Re: No More Vodka
07/13/08 8:47 pm | #11
damn that sucks....I got 3 dwi's in 2 years, received a felony on my record, and lost my license for 10 years (not to mention the other felonies for possesion of controlled substance). It DOES NOT pay to drink and drive believe me. I've been completly sober for 2 years and my life is so much better. Shit is finally getting back together and all that stuff happened almost 5 years ago.
So the morale of the story is "drugs are bad umm kay" ahhaa
So the morale of the story is "drugs are bad umm kay" ahhaa
congrats for all that man...Says a lot about someone when they decide to get rid of everything like that and start fresh.
Quote by xOne5hotx:
bummer sucks for you because MY HEAD IS FINE haha
damn skippy oneshot *SOBER HIGH FIVE*
Re: No More Vodka
07/14/08 1:35 am | #12
Quote by kiddcartel:
congrats for all that man...Says a lot about someone when they decide to get rid of everything like that and start fresh.
damn skippy oneshot *SOBER HIGH FIVE*
damn skippy oneshot *SOBER HIGH FIVE*
yeah!!! b d<---thumbs up
Re: No More Vodka
07/14/08 9:35 am | #13
yeah you think you're better than us with all that... extra brain cells and, coordination.. & your damn, uh
health and functioning liver and whatever other frillies they hand out at sobriety parties
but lemme tell you something!! wherevr you go, there you are.
so there you go. ok, gotta go show up for my first day as a paid game tester! i'll let everybody know how it went
health and functioning liver and whatever other frillies they hand out at sobriety parties
but lemme tell you something!! wherevr you go, there you are.
so there you go. ok, gotta go show up for my first day as a paid game tester! i'll let everybody know how it went
Re: No More Vodka
07/14/08 12:10 pm | #14
Quote by ReverendMeta:
yeah you think you're better than us with all that... extra brain cells and, coordination.. & your damn, uh
health and functioning liver and whatever other frillies they hand out at sobriety parties
but lemme tell you something!! wherevr you go, there you are.
so there you go. ok, gotta go show up for my first day as a paid game tester! i'll let everybody know how it went
health and functioning liver and whatever other frillies they hand out at sobriety parties
but lemme tell you something!! wherevr you go, there you are.
so there you go. ok, gotta go show up for my first day as a paid game tester! i'll let everybody know how it went
hahahah im not sure if you were talking to me but still damn funny.
I've had a couple sober "get togethers" but never a actual sober party. I'm not sure what they would hand out....maybe sobriety chips (example 6 month chip for maintaining sobriety for 6 months). I still go to parties and stuff but just dont drink/use/whatever. I now guzzle energy drinks like I use to drink jager.
Re: No More Vodka
07/14/08 12:14 pm | #15
it might just be me...but my teeth feel like they are rotting if i drink more than 3 in a day, lol
same way with coke, and by that i mean
same way with coke, and by that i mean