Archived: Marriage...
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Re: Marriage...
01/27/09 2:36 pm | #62
You just don't speak American
Re: Marriage...
01/27/09 2:43 pm | #63

Re: Marriage...
01/27/09 2:50 pm | #64

Re: Re: Marriage...
01/27/09 2:55 pm | #65
Quote by MDub93:
I only read Raine's, D3's, and Malice's posts so far, but I wanted to post this before I left. According to my dad's pastor (long story about that, but he really isn't religious and is just going because he thinks he has to now) says that marriage has nothing to do with the people involved and that a marriage is for God. If you aren't happy, that's fine, but you have to make God happy.
He also said that a marriage is only between a man and a woman, and can only be between two baptists. If you marry a jew (my dad's girlfriend is jewish...), or an atheist, or a catholic or whatever, you're a sinner and you'll go to hell. This is why I hate religion.
Another thing he said that day is that Christians have the wrong meaning of marriage and that's why their marriages fail. He said somethin like 80% of Christian's marriages fail while only 15% of atheist's fail. Crazy ass folk...
He also said that a marriage is only between a man and a woman, and can only be between two baptists. If you marry a jew (my dad's girlfriend is jewish...), or an atheist, or a catholic or whatever, you're a sinner and you'll go to hell. This is why I hate religion.
Another thing he said that day is that Christians have the wrong meaning of marriage and that's why their marriages fail. He said somethin like 80% of Christian's marriages fail while only 15% of atheist's fail. Crazy ass folk...
Ick. First off Mike, let me apologize on behalf of all Christians, the stuff your dad is being fed is junk, plain and simple.
Secondly, I'm not a bible expert but the bible recommends you shouldn't marry a "non-believer" but it doesn't say you will go to hell for it (see 2 Corinthians 6:14). I understand the aspect of not recommending it - my beliefs are where everything that I am comes from - I wouldn't marry someone who didn't believe what I did it would be impossible to relate or agree on many things.
Christian marriage is NOT just about God. GOOD Christian marriage is supposed to be a reflection of God's love for us (see Ephesians 5:25-31) in that the husband is basically supposed to treat the wife wonderful and thereby the wife respects the husband (really summing it up) like God loves us and thereby we respect Him. As a Christian we're supposed to be faithful in our marriages even if we aren't happy for a season, in obedience to God's command that we don't get divorced (except for adultery).
The stats were a bit off but yes, Christian marriages fail MORE than non (I think like 60%) which is sad. I think this is due to some Christians having the "I'm perfect and you're not" syndrome aka the "Holier than thou" disease. You can do no wrong and somehow as a Christian you are better than everyone else (including other Christians). The pope recently (a few months ago) stated that any non-Catholics were not real christians, here read this lovely quote:
Unattributed Quote:
Pope Benedict XVI has ignited controversy across the world by approving a document saying non-Catholic Christian communities are either defective or not true churches, and the Roman Catholic Church provides the only true path to salvation.
"Christ 'established here on earth' only one church," said the document, reasserting the primacy of Catholicism.
It said other Christian communities such as Protestants "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" since they don't have what's known as apostolic succession – that is, the ability to trace their bishops back to the original 12 apostles of Jesus.
"Christ 'established here on earth' only one church," said the document, reasserting the primacy of Catholicism.
It said other Christian communities such as Protestants "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" since they don't have what's known as apostolic succession – that is, the ability to trace their bishops back to the original 12 apostles of Jesus.
So even among Christian denominations we can't even agree with each other and think we are better.....I'm constantly saddened by the overwhelming amount of "Christians" that treat everyone like dirt and think they are better than them. I'm sorry for going on the sermon to everyone, but I really felt that people should know not all of us Christians are totally nuts. Many Christians do not think they are better than others and we really only want to do what we feel is right - I personally don't think any of the whack jobs who blew up abortion clinics were real "Christians" because that's not how we're supposed to act - that's just insanity.
Disclaimer: I am nuts, but not because I'm a Christian

Disclaimer #2: My wife is a reverend so I reserve the right to go off on occasion at the bad preaching/mentoring etc by other preachers.
Re: Marriage...
01/27/09 4:15 pm | #67 ain't what it used to be....and that's what I have to say about that.