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Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/18/08 7:04 pm | #466
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:

i will give it a go when i can, stupid lousy 250 point achievement so hard to get after 2 years........

If you need any other pointers, let me know! I think I got it about 8 minutes into the first period!
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/18/08 8:19 pm | #468
That achievement haunted me for months.. good job!
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 8:34 am | #469
Well, this will be a little different entry for me as I have just found out that I had a game UN-completed!
I was supposed to have gotten my 30th completed retail, but alas, according to mygamercard.net and 360voice.com, Fable 2 is now a 1100 point game despite the fact that the DLC was moved back into '09.
Now I have to waffle out another game to get my 30th!
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 8:46 am | #470
Dash of Destruction! That one was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 10:37 am | #471
Quote by theevol1:
Well, this will be a little different entry for me as I have just found out that I had a game UN-completed!
I was supposed to have gotten my 30th completed retail, but alas, according to mygamercard.net and 360voice.com, Fable 2 is now a 1100 point game despite the fact that the DLC was moved back into '09.
Now I have to waffle out another game to get my 30th!

WOW that's bogus.
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 3:51 pm | #473
just 1Kd lego indie!
great game, but holy crap am i burnt out on legos...
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 4:10 pm | #474
Live Score Tracker - <insert evil laughter>
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 8:07 pm | #475
*breathing profusely* narnia, caspian....whatever this stupid game was called that kept freezing and having to restart levels piece o' garbage! finally, my first waffle in months.......oh god, i think it's coming up on me.....blaaagh!!!!
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 8:22 pm | #476
thank you doritos dash n something got all 200 points and 12 achievements in 15 mins easiest rcaded game eva
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 9:21 pm | #477
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
*breathing profusely* narnia, caspian....whatever this stupid game was called that kept freezing and having to restart levels piece o' garbage! finally, my first waffle in months.......oh god, i think it's coming up on me.....blaaagh!!!!

congrats livewire NOW HAVE ANOTHER WAFFLE lol you know you want to.
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/19/08 10:38 pm | #478
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
congrats livewire NOW HAVE ANOTHER WAFFLE lol you know you want to.
i've got a stack of waffles in front of me growing mold on them already! we should make a list of games we need to co-op or play online and bang some of them out. i have so many games, but more than half of them have no one playing online anymore. we need a xba live waffle fest. some of these games would be fun to play they just have no audience any more.
let's play top spin 2, mercenaries 2, brothers in arms hh, stranglehold, condemned 2 bs, to start......
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/20/08 12:07 am | #479
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
i've got a stack of waffles in front of me growing mold on them already! we should make a list of games we need to co-op or play online and bang some of them out. i have so many games, but more than half of them have no one playing online anymore. we need a xba live waffle fest. some of these games would be fun to play they just have no audience any more.
let's play top spin 2, mercenaries 2, brothers in arms hh, stranglehold, condemned 2 bs, to start......

don't forget COD3!!!
gawd... what are you people doing to me?
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
12/20/08 2:45 am | #480
i have top spinl, brotheras in arms, straglne hold, asnd condemneesd adn COD 3.
To noteal I completed Live sacore Trackers.
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