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Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/02/08 10:12 pm | #346
Quote by Teh PayPahBoi:
OMFGZ0R I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got every achievement in fable 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got the ruler of albion and gambler on my own (gambler took forever, i had the 500 at one point but it didnt give me it so i had to try again)
if anyone needs help (except for the gargoyle, doll, keys, and completionist achievments) i can help them get more GS in this game
btw, my character is a bi female (i took the potion in fairfax...tbh, i dont see a difference at all! my character looks almost the same...i think my character is too fat to see my boobs tho...so i run around shirtless cause no one can tell) and its humorous...but whatever...
sweet georgia tacoboi! nice one- i'd love to see your characters boobs-that sounds perverted but you know what i mean, sounds hilarious being a fat, shirtless bi running around the town like a looney!

Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/02/08 10:17 pm | #347
yes, but it would have to be tomorrow or the next day...as i rented it and are returning it tomorrow or the day after...idk...
but its weird because i could only tell myt char was a girl was because i could tell a difference in the voice (like when you whistle or you dig up something) and i was changing my clothes, so i chose "no clothes outfit" and then i was like.."wait, my underwear changed. hey wait, those arent boxers! i finally found proof the potion work" (tbh, i hadnt realized itd worked until then, like 10 mins later) and then i realized my character had boobs, but they looked more like man-boobs over my fat....and i cant find anything high-starred that gets rid of lots of fat
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/02/08 10:27 pm | #348
Quote by Teh PayPahBoi:
yes, but it would have to be tomorrow or the next day...as i rented it and are returning it tomorrow or the day after...idk...
but its weird because i could only tell myt char was a girl was because i could tell a difference in the voice (like when you whistle or you dig up something) and i was changing my clothes, so i chose "no clothes outfit" and then i was like.."wait, my underwear changed. hey wait, those arent boxers! i finally found proof the potion work" (tbh, i hadnt realized itd worked until then, like 10 mins later) and then i realized my character had boobs, but they looked more like man-boobs over my fat....and i cant find anything high-starred that gets rid of lots of fat

that's pretty SERIOUS!!!!!!

Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/03/08 5:53 am | #350
now im all happy face, because most likely the opints i obtained yesterday (lke, 280 points i think. dont remember exactly how much) should be enough to help me win a 460v contest too

id have a total of like 510. the guy behind me (including what i THINK hes obtained for today) only has 155

Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/03/08 10:43 am | #351
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/06/08 3:06 pm | #352
I have helped 6 people get 1000 on Fable 2, and just 5 minutes ago, I got 1k on it myself! lol
I was totally satisfied with this game! It wasn't perfect by any means, but I thoroughly enjoyed both playthroughs.
If you weren't swept up in the hype for the game, but you want some gamerscore, this is a rentable, enjoyable, and score whoreable game worth checking out as a rental!! I will have my copy, so if anyone needs a hand, or a hand out, pick it up and I would be more than happy to help you get a few hundred points on it!!
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/06/08 3:22 pm | #353
Quote by theevol1:
I have helped 6 people get 1000 on Fable 2, and just 5 minutes ago, I got 1k on it myself! lol
I was totally satisfied with this game! It wasn't perfect by any means, but I thoroughly enjoyed both playthroughs.
If you weren't swept up in the hype for the game, but you want some gamerscore, this is a rentable, enjoyable, and score whoreable game worth checking out as a rental!! I will have my copy, so if anyone needs a hand, or a hand out, pick it up and I would be more than happy to help you get a few hundred points on it!!
Does that make you an assistant whore? Since you help others first?

Congrats on the Fable 2. You need to whore a bit since I'm catching up on the gamerscore
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/06/08 5:10 pm | #354
i can also help people get 1k. i can help get the ruler of albion and co-op achievements. but i cant give out the hoarder, gargoyle, completionist, or dollcatcher...but x360a can

tis how i got em (cept hoarder, evol game me that one. thx!)
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/07/08 10:43 am | #355
i just finished Pac-Man CE last night woot and am 1 away in Ms. Pac-Man
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/07/08 3:45 pm | #357
wrong topic for that post
there sounds like a big diff raine...lol so im not gonig to bother
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/12/08 8:16 am | #358
I just completed the original Banjo Kazooie
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/14/08 11:46 am | #359
Just completed the GHWT Expert career! Tasty.
Re: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
11/16/08 4:21 am | #360
I just completed Fallout 3!!!! I had to do 2 playthroughs and load 3 saves for karma level achievements. I didn't think it was going to be easy, and I was kinda right. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give the difficulty a 6; mainly for it being time consuming. Data Miner took awhile (had to explore random places until I found a terminal to hack), and the bobblehead achievements had me going to trippy places (Dunwich Building and the hallucination vault ones); although the cloning vault was pretty funny. I laughed hysterically when I heard a clone yell "GARY!" and beat the piss out of a radroach with a lead pipe.
Next completion: Prolly take a break of completing and enjoy the new Call of Duty, but probably be either Assassin's Creed or Madden 09
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