Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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so if you ever see me on, just send me a message. ill meet you in the bowerstone market square when you get on...ill be lolligagging about...buying furniture and looking for 4* cheese
It will take about 2 minutes.
@raine - it was directed at evol. i know you dont have the game, you said that cause laguna took it back and got fallout 3 instead
i found out, the gamestop at the mall near us will give you 140$ (store credit i beleive) for a wii....i was like "woa! insane much!" and i might take my wii in...idk, my mom said shed have to think about it...cause then i wouldnt have to ask her for money for a game
Quote by PSORaine:
well... it was mostly me, actually... I have no regrets!
uh-huh...sure you do../...everyone regrets something....actually....everyone regrets might regret waking up one morning, or going to a concert for a band you thought you liked, or eating that spicy bean burrito for can be anything, but everyone regrets something, wether it be big or small
did you know boobz is currently playing fallout 3 and is currently level eleven :o
idk why, but zoboas gamerpic looks awesome maybe its just me...but his gamerpic r cool...
twizzlers for teh win =D
That's Brutus Buckeye dood!
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