Archived: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
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Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/18/07 1:38 pm | #16
He said Pong...LOL, How about Zaxon and Pitfall..Yes we are old!
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/18/07 3:04 pm | #17
What about Donkey Kong at the arcades? Or Galaga?!
I started on the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo. I also had a Virtual Boy. That was interesting. Never took off though. I started gaming about 16 years ago.'s been a long time. And you younguns with your high-end graphics and more than two buttons!
I started on the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo. I also had a Virtual Boy. That was interesting. Never took off though. I started gaming about 16 years ago.'s been a long time. And you younguns with your high-end graphics and more than two buttons!
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/18/07 5:48 pm | #18
i started with the ps1 and i have pong over here!(i bot a remake thing for my dad a while back) I play it every know and then! My fav is maze craze!
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/21/07 7:24 am | #19
Hahaha, i started my gaming on NES, Castlevania. And dont hate on him cause hes son young. Hes still just as hard of a gamer as any of us.
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 7:42 pm | #20
Pitfall on Atari 2600, also a car game that I cannot remember where you drove day and night. Tempest and Galaxian the arcade. I also had an intellivision best memory was a WW 2 bomber game that I cannot remember the name of. Those controller that looked like phones and a card slid in for each game.
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 7:46 pm | #21
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:37 pm | #22
Damn guys your showing your age. lol (me too because I remember those things)
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:43 pm | #23
Lol im only 17 rofl, o and crook dont feel odd about playing maple at your age, my buddy izzy is 39 almsot 40 and he plays with his daughter lol
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:46 pm | #24
I'm nearly 19. =/
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:47 pm | #25
im nearly 13!

Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:48 pm | #26
DAMN! You's a young'un! I think I may have t-shirts older than you!
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:49 pm | #27
Lol, he really doesnt sound 12 though. Or act it in fact
Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:51 pm | #28
Quote by Crusified Ninja:
Lol, he really doesnt sound 12 though. Or act it in fact

Re: Interview: August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
08/23/07 8:52 pm | #29
Just stating the truth greg Lol