Archived: Greatest Achievement
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/03/09 12:25 pm | #46
my proudest achievements are getting the 1000 GS on halo 3 and cod4 ( got mile high club a few days ago!) that and getting all the jiggies in the original banjo kazooie, it was easy but i never did it while i was a kid first playing it.
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/03/09 7:56 pm | #47
definitely not my proudest, but i just got the home alone achievement (score 300,000 points in a solo game) from scene it. legit! without any help! not only did i get 300,000, i got almost 444,500!
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 11:05 am | #48
Mile High Club, either that or have a character learn all of his/hers special abilities or 100,000 shot down in Dynasty Warriors Gundam, as those both took a lot of tedious farming and level replaying.
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 1:48 pm | #49
Finding all 20 hidden bobbleheads in Fallout3 is proving to be quite a challenge. I'm about 37 hours into the game and I still need 8 out of 20. The bobblehead in the Dunwich building and the one in the National Armory were near impossible to find

Re: Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 2:01 pm | #50
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Finding all 20 hidden bobbleheads in Fallout3 is proving to be quite a challenge. I'm about 37 hours into the game and I still need 8 out of 20. The bobblehead in the Dunwich building and the one in the National Armory were near impossible to find 

there are 2 in the game that you can F up mask.
just so you know...
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
there's on in lucas simms (sp) house in megaton. get it before you blow up the town.
or don't blow it up.
there's also one in raven rock (MQ) you have to get it before you leave.
actually you have to get it before entering a certain room...
might wanna' look that one up...
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 2:31 pm | #51
Thanks for the hot tip good to know! I'da been pissed if i could only get 19/20 lol. And blow up Megaton? Never! That's me home.
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 2:38 pm | #52
One of my greatest was 5 staring everyone song on expert on GH2 and GH3 and i have it GHWT but theres no achievement for that

Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 2:55 pm | #53
LOL i know. even on my evil playthrough i couldn't blow up megaton.
that town rocks.
that town rocks.
Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 2:56 pm | #54

Re: Re: Greatest Achievement
01/04/09 3:00 pm | #55
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:

woa! it's like christmas!!