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Archived: Free Dead Space siut
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Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/17/08 10:44 pm | #16
Quote by PSORaine:
I heard that too, which is why I went straight into the scorpion suit. I don't have ANYTHING bad to say about the game either, lol.
I don't have anything bad to say about it either.
I just tend to get side tracked with little things like playing with dead bodies and i found a squeegee mop and was using the kinetic to clean the floors for a half hour. I have a video up on youtube called Dead Space Janitor but its terrible quality with no sound.
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/18/08 12:04 am | #18
Yeah I tend to have video game ADHD. I get so side tracked doing stupid stuff like that in video games. I literally added an hour of gametime just picking up dead bodies and making them dance and stuff like that. Yeah i'm playing on medium so it takes at least 4 hits to kill em.
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/18/08 9:53 am | #19
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
i thought this said "slut"......

....i was wondering how that was going to tie in to the gameplay.....

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! -falls off bed-
I'm STILL laughing! Typo=LMFAO
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/20/08 3:57 pm | #20
just got the game last night, and after 2 hours total playing it, i can honestly say this: if you don't love it, there is something wrong with your head! this game is gold. GOLD i say!
and it also just put my GS at 222220! =P
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/20/08 5:02 pm | #22
So you can't remove the Elite suit once you put it on?
How far have you guys tested this? Since the Elite is lvl 5, maybe if you get a stronger suit in the game you can then remove the Elite?
Do they even have suits higher than lvl 5? I only remember seeing up to 3 at the first couple stores.
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/20/08 5:40 pm | #23
I don't know if there is one higher than 5 so far I have found a schematic for level 4 suit and I cant even buy it out of the store even tho I have more than enough credits.
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/20/08 11:16 pm | #25
Quote by PSORaine:
one too many 2s there...
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/21/08 12:03 am | #26
I talked to my friend on the phone awhile ago (the one borrowing my copy). He completed the game yesterday and said you can, in fact, get out of the Elite suit, but there's no reason to unless you have the Scorpion suit or some suit for completing the game, possibly on a higher difficulty? I... don't listen very closely to people on the phone..
Re: Free Dead Space siut
10/21/08 12:53 am | #29
Another thing you guys have in common: distinct lack of a free Dead Space slut
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