Archived: For Crusified Ninja
Posted Under: Off-Topic
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 1:02 pm | #16
you can't even tell who they are...
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 1:03 pm | #17
It wasnt originally that small, but when you make stuff with photoshop animations some frames tend to freeze so i couldnt make a larger one
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 1:05 pm | #18
oooh I see, it's Naruto
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 1:15 pm | #19
I think the only anime ive watched other than pokemon and dragonball z (not seriously, only a few times out of curiosity) would be ghost in the shell.
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 1:47 pm | #20
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 2:56 pm | #21
I'm gonna make one for myself sooner or later. When I stop being lazy...Maybe tomorrow during my lunch break
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/22/07 11:31 pm | #22
Lol Yes you really should, imma make a whole series for me tommorrow. And maybey even an animated one
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 3:14 am | #23
cool ninja I like that one. Can you make one of goku??
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 9:06 am | #24
of the user bar? or an animated user bar of goku? or just an animation in general?
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 11:14 am | #25
Yup here you go just for you crooklyn
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 11:16 am | #26
Sorry the frames have little fragments on em, they got stuck when i ripped the images to make it.
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 11:30 am | #27
Cool now if only I could put my name in the blast when it happens lol
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 11:32 am | #28
Awww i wish you woulda said so, i coulda done it for you. I was originally gonna put your name on the right and have the Ka-me-ha-me-ha blow it away, but i wasnt sure if youd want that Lol
Re: For Crusified Ninja
08/23/07 11:50 am | #29