Archived: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
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Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/18/09 9:38 pm | #76
I stopped reading at page 2. Maybe it's because I sick, but I just can't read between the lines and find actual info about joining this clan. I like all the people that are posting on this thread, but I will just send pm's if I want to know more.
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/18/09 9:44 pm | #77
Repo, these are basically the only posts about the actual clan, I'll quote 'em up for ya.
Nope, no gears. JN wouldn't budge on it. i would insert a sad face here, but my only options are happy faces... and yeah... just insert a sad face in your imagination when reading this
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
Hello Xbox America Community And Guests.
XxJesusNinjaxX(Me) & xxMISS MALICExx are starting up a clan within a week or two and are looking for new members, that are at least 18 years of age.
Every new member of the clan must try out, and we will determine if you make it or not, no worries we don't judge to harshly.
Every rule within the clan must be followed accordingly or you may face punishment.
Here Are The Rules:
1.Try your best to attend clan meetings. This will keep you up to date with new updates
2.Do not call other players "Cheaters" or "Hackers". Take it as a compliment. If someone calls you these names it must mean you are playing very well.
3.Respect ALL members at ALL times.
4.Team Killing is not acceptable at anytime.
5.Racial and/or sexual comments directed at fellow .K.O. members is not allowed.
6.No interruptions during meetings or discussions.
7.No hitting on other members.
8.No country musictalking other clan members or starting drama.
If you seem interested in trying out for our clan send either of us a message and a FR about trying out and we will set up a date..
*More Updates Daily, We Are Slowly Bringing This Clan To Life*
XxJesusNinjaxX(Me) & xxMISS MALICExx are starting up a clan within a week or two and are looking for new members, that are at least 18 years of age.
Every new member of the clan must try out, and we will determine if you make it or not, no worries we don't judge to harshly.
Every rule within the clan must be followed accordingly or you may face punishment.
Here Are The Rules:
1.Try your best to attend clan meetings. This will keep you up to date with new updates
2.Do not call other players "Cheaters" or "Hackers". Take it as a compliment. If someone calls you these names it must mean you are playing very well.
3.Respect ALL members at ALL times.
4.Team Killing is not acceptable at anytime.
5.Racial and/or sexual comments directed at fellow .K.O. members is not allowed.
6.No interruptions during meetings or discussions.
7.No hitting on other members.
8.No country musictalking other clan members or starting drama.
If you seem interested in trying out for our clan send either of us a message and a FR about trying out and we will set up a date..
*More Updates Daily, We Are Slowly Bringing This Clan To Life*
Quote by xxMISS MALICExx:
mainly FPS, such as COD4, W@W, Halo 3 and some others that me and JN haven't come to agreement on yet
Quote by xxMISS MALICExx:
Quote by Shockwave22:
nope jkjkjkjk lol
No Gears :O
No Gears :O
Nope, no gears. JN wouldn't budge on it. i would insert a sad face here, but my only options are happy faces... and yeah... just insert a sad face in your imagination when reading this
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
i dont mind gears and all, its just not my doesnt help i suck horribly at it as well.
its always fun to play it though, i want to play with you all....dont leave me hanging
its always fun to play it though, i want to play with you all....dont leave me hanging

Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/18/09 9:49 pm | #78
Ummm i would but i like to trash talk.
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/19/09 12:00 am | #80

Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/19/09 1:02 am | #82
Monkey Wrench!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/19/09 1:13 am | #84
i don't care WHAT games we play.
i'll be in a clan called the monkey wrench...
or even the monkey wench! i'm not picky!
i'll be in a clan called the monkey wrench...
or even the monkey wench! i'm not picky!
Re: Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/19/09 1:23 am | #86
Quote by PSORaine:
You have a clan called monkey wrench Doc?
Nope, its just the name of my fantasy baseball league.