Archived: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
Posted Under: Gaming
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Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 6:09 pm | #122
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 6:36 pm | #124
I might need to be activated. I might not get an activation email to my hotmail account. My usernameis Aldogg. Thanks
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 7:13 pm | #126
I'd like to tryout. Sounds like theres a good group of people in the clan
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 7:40 pm | #128
for the 2 of you that are wanting to join, me and malice will try to figure out a day for tryouts.
what days/times are best you both?
what days/times are best you both?
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 7:55 pm | #129
ok, i joined the site
Re: Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 9:34 pm | #130
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
for the 2 of you that are wanting to join, me and malice will try to figure out a day for tryouts.
what days/times are best you both?
what days/times are best you both?
Im available every weekday, usually after 2:30pm PST. Im usually busy on weekends so im not on as much.
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 9:34 pm | #131
I guess I will join and hang out with you guys......