Archived: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
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Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/20/09 11:37 pm | #106
I'd like to tryout.
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/21/09 11:55 am | #110
evol can own at hexic in the name of the clan....he seems to be like uber beast at it lol
theres a couple of people who could rock Burnout Paradise as welll. i know me, 1337ness, greg, and monopoly play the game
theres a couple of people who could rock Burnout Paradise as welll. i know me, 1337ness, greg, and monopoly play the game
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/21/09 12:30 pm | #113
alright, well let us know what he thinks
i like FPS and stuff of course, but if we can expand and it would mean more members, then its cool 
6 posts to go!

6 posts to go!
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/21/09 12:35 pm | #115
that sounds cool. racing i can prolly do. the other two not as much. but then again, thats why i like this community. we have atleast one person good at everything 

Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/21/09 1:42 pm | #116
Cool, now I will have people to play Rock Band and Burnout with, as well as shooters.
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 5:51 pm | #117
Current members, please register at this site, we(me and malice) have just made this site for the clan, and is currently still in the process of being customized and tweaked to look appealing, please bear with us.
if you have any question, please pm me or malice.
and when you do register please respond on this thread.
thank you
Current members, please register at this site, we(me and malice) have just made this site for the clan, and is currently still in the process of being customized and tweaked to look appealing, please bear with us.
if you have any question, please pm me or malice.
and when you do register please respond on this thread.
thank you
Re: :Clan: Kamikaze Overlords :Clan:
02/22/09 5:57 pm | #118
yeah and iam good at most shooters but not at others but i own in madden skate and street fighter