Archived: COD 3
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:21 pm | #16
That spot is wicked if you play with your freinds and dont tell them were you are.
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:23 pm | #17
Haha, now I'm glad I stopped playing this game well before the glitches had been found.
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:28 pm | #18
Lol those actually were found pretty fast, just not by alot of people
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:31 pm | #19
CoD3 was great and all, but it was a huge letdown to the franchise.
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:34 pm | #20
ya i still like CoD2 multiplayer better
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:34 pm | #21
Not to me. That game is great. 4 is gonna be sick!!!
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:35 pm | #22
4 is going to make people wonder, "Why in the heck did I play GRAW?"
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:35 pm | #23
Ya im very much looking forward to 4, but i liked 2 over 3 for multiplayer
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:37 pm | #24
I agree...they will be like 'Graw' is dumb!!
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 2:37 pm | #25
I did because I thought the frame rate was a lot more stable. CoD3 bogs down a lot in many areas.
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 3:08 pm | #26
ya it does, it gets pretty irritating
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 3:24 pm | #27
Quote by Crusified Ninja:
Ya im very much looking forward to 4, but i liked 2 over 3 for multiplayer
I loved both of the mulitplayers i like tho how COD3 had leader boards
Re: COD 3
08/22/07 5:20 pm | #28
meh i just didnt like how bad the fps would get on CoD3
Re: COD 3
08/23/07 10:07 am | #29
COD 2 was way better tho
Re: COD 3
08/23/07 10:10 am | #30
CoD4 is really going to outdo all of the past titles. I'm just really glad IWard decided to do the 4th one. I can't wait.