Archived: Best Game Ending Ever?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 1:40 pm | #2
Bionicle heroes, Because I knew that I would never have to play it again! 
The end of Lost was actually kind of cool for how crappy the game was!
The final battle in Bioshock suhkt, but the plot twist, (not the actual end) was fucking awesome!

The end of Lost was actually kind of cool for how crappy the game was!
The final battle in Bioshock suhkt, but the plot twist, (not the actual end) was fucking awesome!
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 1:42 pm | #3
for retail titles probably fear and quake 4 (but mgs4 was good too, i've seen it but not played it), and arcade titles would be yaris and undertow.
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 1:51 pm | #5
Oh, and Portal has to be one of my favorites!!
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 1:58 pm | #7
Quote by PSORaine:
just the portal song 4 me...
That's pretty much all it is! I love it!

Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 2:12 pm | #9
the halo 3 legendary ending (after the credits) was kinda weird...but, better then some ive seen
gow had a pretty funny ending..but me and mike were hoping for something else to happen >-> lol hoffman..
uh...what else was good..
off my head i got nothing
gow had a pretty funny ending..but me and mike were hoping for something else to happen >-> lol hoffman..
uh...what else was good..
off my head i got nothing

Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 2:56 pm | #10
for 360 probably bioshock. FEAR has a great ending too.
then again... the end of castle crashers rocked my face. hard.
chrono trigger
secret of evermore
you know, all the righteous old school RPGs.
then again... the end of castle crashers rocked my face. hard.
chrono trigger
secret of evermore
you know, all the righteous old school RPGs.
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 3:18 pm | #12
COD4 ending.
Hitman: Blood Money ending.
Hitman: Blood Money ending.
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 3:25 pm | #14
Chrono Trigger - we all love having the cartoon version of japanese programmers thank us for playing their game
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/13/08 4:27 pm | #15
yeah the helicopter part freaked me out big time.
once i got to the point in the game where alma was naked and bloody i cried myself to sleep every night for a long, long time.
once i got to the point in the game where alma was naked and bloody i cried myself to sleep every night for a long, long time.