Archived: Best Game Ending Ever?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/15/08 7:15 pm | #46
big breasted women, aliens, and strip clubs....these are a few of my favorite things....and i bet you thought i was gonna say big breasted aliens huh? sounds very...entertaining.

Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
09/15/08 7:18 pm | #47
side scrolling like Alien Hominade?...lol
i might pick it up when i get live again
i might pick it up when i get live again
Re: Best Game Ending Ever?
10/06/08 5:29 pm | #48
Probably the best real ending was in Halo 3 when you have to make that jump (even though the rest of the game pretty much sucked), but I'd have to say at the end of the first disk in Lost Odyssey was one of the best storytelling moments I've ever seen in a game. Plus, the plot twist in Bioshock and the part of the Darkness when he kills himself were pretty awesome.