Archived: Anybody hate it when.....
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Anybody hate it when.....
12/08/08 10:21 pm | #1
.... you're playing a game not knowing that you were randomly signed out of live (somehow?) and you get an achievement and now it doesn't have the time stamp? this irks me (i guess i've got a little ocd) and it seems to happen right when i get an achievement that i've been working for that is usually on the hard side of obtaining. is it just me?

Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/08/08 10:55 pm | #3
^ a-ha! i guess i'm semi-normal!

Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/08/08 11:17 pm | #4
i really hate that. you're not alone.
Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 2:01 am | #5
Doesn't really bother me. Half the time I game I'm not connected
Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 6:46 am | #6
Quote by MDub93:
Doesn't really bother me. Half the time I game I'm not connected
dude! you're weird then!!

Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 7:09 am | #7
I agree totally!
I have accidentally finished games while accidentally being offline! NCAA Football 08 was one! I borrowed it from a friend, and when I 1k'ed it, I didn't realize the my connection failed. I had to reborrow it just so I could put it in so my blog could register it as completed!
I have accidentally finished games while accidentally being offline! NCAA Football 08 was one! I borrowed it from a friend, and when I 1k'ed it, I didn't realize the my connection failed. I had to reborrow it just so I could put it in so my blog could register it as completed!

Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 7:32 am | #8
The achievement obsession is so clearly apparent now....

Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 7:43 am | #9
I hate it. I'm really bad cuz when I get disconnected I have to stop playing IMMEDIATELY and shut off my xbox, turn it back on and try to sign back in. If I sign back in I keep playing, if I don't I can't play.
Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 9:24 am | #10
Yeah, your not alone. I hate that. I like knowing when I get my achievements.
Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 9:51 am | #11
I've had a strange thing happen since the XBLE update, sometimes, even though I am logged in to live, my achievement score goes magically to zero and I DONT get the achievements I'm supposed to. Had it happen on Too Human and had to go back through and get some of the achievements again... Also had it happen on Alone in the Dark, but I caught it and restarted the xbox. Though I'm beginning to think my xbox microsoft sent me due to the RROD is cursed, I'm testing that theory tonight........
Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 11:36 am | #12
I agree with you all. i hate it, and i don't realize until i start noticing that none of my friends have signed on. lol
Re: Anybody hate it when.....
12/09/08 11:52 am | #13
that hasn't happened to me, oger. never heard of it.
might by your box. that sucks though.
might by your box. that sucks though.