Crooky, manufactured on August 26, 2006, moved on to that big electronic playground in the sky on December 30, 2007 at 11:35 pm. It was 1 year and 5 months old.
Crooky was a fun loving 360, and was actually entertaining family and friends for the Christmas break in Boston, MA when it froze while playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2006. Later that day after being reset it suffered a massive system failure resulting in the three red lights; also know as the \"Ring of Death\"
The 360 leaves behind a 20 gig hard drive, two young controllers, a wireless headset, and numerous unfinished games, most notable are Call of Duty 4, Bio Shock and most recently Mass Effect.
Funeral services will be held when Microsoft, the company Crooky worked for provides the Cardboard Coffin so i can send its body back to its creator.
All comments are thanked ahead of time by those it leaves behind. (sniff, sniff)