Archived: 1st system/console you owned
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1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 4:03 pm | #1
Atari was the first gaming system I owned. Used to rock river raid constantly
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 4:07 pm | #2
Im old so the first gaming console I ever owned was a Radio Shack Pong handheld console that you hooked to the t.v. Like I said Im old.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 4:07 pm | #3
Xbox 360. This is the only system I own by myself.
But when it does come to terms if my brother or sister own it too, I'd say it was either N64 or Game Boy Color.
But when it does come to terms if my brother or sister own it too, I'd say it was either N64 or Game Boy Color.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 4:14 pm | #4
i thought i was old
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 4:17 pm | #5
Atari 2600
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 4:22 pm | #6
sega genesis when i was 4 or 5. traded it in for a SNES.
one of the best decisions i've ever made... and at such a young age, too.
one of the best decisions i've ever made... and at such a young age, too.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 5:45 pm | #7
I remember the Atari 2600 and the original Sega Master System when I was pretty young.
Not sure which we had first.
Centipede, Pong, PacMan, Millipede, all that shit, ftmfw! Not to mention Shinobi.
Not sure which we had first.
Centipede, Pong, PacMan, Millipede, all that shit, ftmfw! Not to mention Shinobi.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:32 pm | #9
I never actually had a system of my own until SNES, everything before that was playing at friends' houses.
We did have ancient PCs and and Apple //e at my house early on that I'd play games on.
We did have ancient PCs and and Apple //e at my house early on that I'd play games on.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:39 pm | #10
A Super Nintendo. Gradius 3 and Kirby Superstar were the games i played
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:40 pm | #11
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:42 pm | #12
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:47 pm | #13
Quote by BeardedRooster:
Atari was the first gaming system I owned. Used to rock river raid constantly
Hells yeah!
I remember one of my first games was Lode Runner. :3

Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:47 pm | #14
Re: Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/03/10 6:51 pm | #15
Quote by J1R2D3R4M:
Quote by BeardedRooster:
Atari was the first gaming system I owned. Used to rock river raid constantly
Hells yeah!
I remember one of my first games was Lode Runner. :3

I've never seen one of those ancient machines before!