Archived: 1st system/console you owned
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Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 6:10 pm | #31
i'm definitely feeling old with everyone saying game boy and nes.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 7:02 pm | #32
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 7:10 pm | #33
Sears telegame pong rip off, somewhere around 1976 or 1977. I'm too old to remember what year.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 7:44 pm | #34
Quote by AJ:
Quote by J1R2D3R4M:
It doesn't *have* a keyboard, it IS A KEYBOARD!
Just think of it as an ancient PC game.

Well sonofa bitch! Lol, so what kinda games does it have?
The only games I can concretely remember the titles were Lode Runner and Pacman. I know there were a few text-based games and at least one racing game, but I have no idea what the titles could be...

Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 7:46 pm | #35
The first console I owned was a Genesis. I was like three though, so my dad mostly played it. The first console I actually commonly played was the Gamecube. And, the first system I ever owned and played a lot was the Gameboy color
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 11:12 pm | #37
my first gaming system, and first bite into my full fledge addiction was the original Nintendo Gaming System, first game was Mario Bro. & Duck Hunt, and Gunsmoke.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/04/10 11:35 pm | #38
Atari 2600, Christmas circa 1983ish. Played Pac-Man with my 70 year old Grandmother. It rocked.
I recall typing in code to play games on a Commodore 64, but that was later, perhaps ~86?
I recall typing in code to play games on a Commodore 64, but that was later, perhaps ~86?
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/09/10 3:07 pm | #39
I'm not that old..but my first console was the nintendo 64
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/09/10 3:10 pm | #40
My first two consoles were a Sega Genesis and a Sega Game Gear. My grandma had a NES and a Colecovision (which I now have both of those) at her house that I got to play as well!
Re: 1st system/console you owned
04/09/10 3:10 pm | #41
Gamecube here lol
Re: 1st system/console you owned
08/14/10 7:41 pm | #42
PlayStation no one kill me please and supper Nintendo
Re: 1st system/console you owned
08/14/10 7:54 pm | #43
Ouch, talk about telling how old I am. Our family got the Pong system and we played it a lot with the neighborhood kids. I don't remember if there were different brands or not or even the brand of the one we had. Then of course, we got the Atari 2600 and played that all the time - we wore out some of the switches. Then we had the Colecovision, Commodore 64, IBM PCs.
But the first game that I purchased was the N64 and Golden Eye - damn that was a good game - I don't think I have been more impressed by any other game.
But the first game that I purchased was the N64 and Golden Eye - damn that was a good game - I don't think I have been more impressed by any other game.
Re: 1st system/console you owned
08/14/10 8:29 pm | #44
Let's see...first one I actually owned (not a "family toy") was a Game Boy Color I bought off a kid in high school for $10. I then proceeded later to purchase a Sega Dreamcast near it's decline (which came with a really cool scooter). If you really want to get technical, I had my own computer when I was 11. Used to play Tie Fighter on that bad boy aaaaaaaaaaaall the time.