Hah. I loved Sheogorath, but none of his delightfullness could keep me from going insane I guess.
Archived: 1250 in Oblivion
Posted Under: Blogs
1250 in Oblivion
02/15/09 12:52 pm | #1
Finally. Finally. About all I can say. Took forever, but it doesnt feel anywhere as near good as when I beat the game or when I got 1000. I dont know why. Shivering Isles fries your brains you see. Sheogorath has the urge for change. And change has the power to move mountains, or...mount movements. Whatever you prefer. All I know, is I got out with my eyeballs, and for that Im happy.
Hah. I loved Sheogorath, but none of his delightfullness could keep me from going insane I guess.
Hah. I loved Sheogorath, but none of his delightfullness could keep me from going insane I guess.
Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/15/09 2:11 pm | #2
great job! I still haven't played that game lol
Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/15/09 2:22 pm | #3
oh my god 5hot, hahaha.
yeah, sheogorath was funny as hell! loved him!
i thought it was a pretty easy 1250. definitely time consuming, but easy.
good job, dude.
yeah, sheogorath was funny as hell! loved him!
i thought it was a pretty easy 1250. definitely time consuming, but easy.
good job, dude.
Re: Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/15/09 3:27 pm | #5
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
I have a question, what if you have 1000/1000 then dlc comes out and now you have 1000/1250 does your completion percentage go down right away or only if you download the dlc
it goes down once the achievements are made available regardless if you've downloaded the content or not.
Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/15/09 4:04 pm | #6
bogus, but true.
Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/15/09 4:07 pm | #7
congrats!! i'm close to finishing that badboy myself. it's next on my list in fact

Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/16/09 7:59 pm | #8
Man I completed Oblivion such a long time, its a shame that it eventually gets old. Needs more mods. Damn you PC players.
Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/16/09 8:02 pm | #9
Re: 1250 in Oblivion
02/16/09 8:11 pm | #11
i wish i could delete my gamerscore from this game cuz i'm never getting more than 160 points!