Archived: Article Discussion: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
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Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 1:42 pm | #16
Looks like I am going to buy a year or 3 in advance.
Re: Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 2:13 pm | #17
Quote by bonedaddy83:
I don't understand why people are getting so pissed about this increase in price for gold service. If you buy the 12 month card it is only 83 cents extra a month!! Really!?!?!?! I just don't get why it is such a bad thing that they need to raise the price so that they can keep our current service better the all the competitor's services. I definately feel ok with them raising the 12 month by $10 as long as they keep putting out better content.
Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 4:18 pm | #18
Man, I seen a thread on this, on one of the local Car forums I browse, and they are knocking the 360 so bad. Bunch of PS3 fanboys. So I had to lay down some knowledge, but they will most likely just ignore all the correct terms, and twist everything apart.
A link to the thread, and my response is on post #20
A link to the thread, and my response is on post #20
Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 9:32 pm | #22
Ha do you know how much MORE money they will make at just $10, 10 measly dollars. I bet the numbers are fucking staggering. But hey I think im done bitching about how much they make us spend. Its a good thing these updates arent too bad. Aww fuck it im tired of bitching. Ill re up my account early, just cause they want me too, so they can get my money sooner. And Ill keep buying games becasue Im addicted. Damn you Xbox Live...I love you so much.
Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 9:34 pm | #23
Ive had xbl for 5 years and I used to have to pay this price so its nothing new I guess
Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 9:34 pm | #24
mine dosent expire untill feb either but im still gonna get that 20 bucks off deal. You might as well. you got untill oct. 31 to do it.
Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
08/31/10 10:45 pm | #25
im sorry. but i think this is the biggest bunch of shit ever. it already costs too much, increasing the price is just THE single stupidest thing M$ has ever done. im sooo glad that i don't expire for at least a year and a half
im sorry. but i think this is the biggest bunch of shit ever. it already costs too much, increasing the price is just THE single stupidest thing M$ has ever done. im sooo glad that i don't expire for at least a year and a half
Re: Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
09/01/10 12:25 am | #26
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
im sorry. but i think this is the biggest bunch of shit ever. it already costs too much, increasing the price is just THE single stupidest thing M$ has ever done. im sooo glad that i don't expire for at least a year and a half
im sorry. but i think this is the biggest bunch of shit ever. it already costs too much, increasing the price is just THE single stupidest thing M$ has ever done. im sooo glad that i don't expire for at least a year and a half
then why are you bitching then? If you cant afford the price for an entire year, how do you shell out for new games, at least once a month for 60 bucks?
Re: Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
09/01/10 12:56 am | #27
Quote by reed0tuy0u:
(took awhile to make)

(took awhile to make)

What the hell? Are you on crack?
Or am I insulting someone mentally ill? If I am, then I'm very sorry.
In other news. I bought XBL for 1 year on Newegg for $40. So I'm coo, I'm coo.
Re: Xbox LIVE Price Increases
09/01/10 4:30 am | #29
Im actually kinda glad for price increase. It's going to be saving me over $100 dollars a MONTH. The way I see it is we already have Netflix so a majority of the shows I watch are on there and all the "Important" news headlines are on the MSNBC videos, but with Hulu Plus coming out for Xbox that will cover the other half of tv shows I watch on a normal basis. With ESPN coming out and being able to watch live sports I don't really see a need to be giving Dish Network anymore money for 9000 channels I never watch. Anyway that's just the way I see it.