Games with Gold for August: Crackdown, Dead Rising 2 & DR2: Case Zero

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Starting tomorrow (August 1st) the award winning Xbox 360 exclusive Crackdown (Normally 800 points) will be free for Xbox LIVE Gold members through August 15th .
Then on August 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can grab BOTH Dead Rising 2 (Normally US $14.99) and Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (Normally 400 points) for free.
As a reminder, the “Games With Gold” program gives Xbox LIVE Gold Members 2 free games to keep each month. A new title will be available the 1st and 16th of each month.
I've played Crackdown, so I'll probably take advantage that it's free and download it. I've never played any of the Dead Risings; but the trailer for DR2: Zero looks pretty fun.