XCOM: Enemy Within - strategic excellence

Developer: Firaxis Games
Publisher: 2K Games
Genre: Strategy
Subgenre(s): Turn-based tactics
Players: 1 offline, 2 online in competitive mp
Rated: M for Mature (blood and gore, strong language, violence)
Hey you all, it time for another super fast review wow!! Let's go.
XCOM is that game you played last year!! You take turns ducking and hiding around stuff and shooting at each other!! Very inaccurate why can't my soldier shoot?!?!
Enemy Within expands on e'rything done befo!! It is unbelieve.
Now you have to face an all new enemy! That's right there another group out there that uses the best tech & gear and also incorporates the aliens' resources. It like fighting yourself!!

There a new resource called MELD which appears on each map! You only have limited number of turns before they blow up and no MELD for you!! Nao you no sit at beginning of map doing double Overwatch every turn!!
They many new ways to enhance your troops! You can do genetic engineering oh wowee!! As you collect different alien species' corpses from fight, you bring them to gene lab and make your soldier a super good!! Regenerating health, better Aim each time a shot is missed, the possibilities so big they blow your mind! PREPARE YOUR BRAIN FOR RAZZLE DAZZLE.
Or if you like big robots then you can cut all the limbs off your favourite trooper and make them a Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit soldier! MECs!!
Forget tactics! To hell wit you cover!! With MEC troops you stomp around on battlefield and punch everything like a bawss! Mechanized units cannot take cover because COVER IS FOR TURNIPS! It like having a S.H.I.V. unit that has personality and gains experience!!
Melee combat is now possible! You run in with your MEC and you can punch aliens through walls and off buildings!! CRAP IT ALLOW YOU 3 DIFFERENT MECHANICAL DESIGNS.

All previously released DLC is incorporated in to this game and they so much more!!
You can having many options when starting a New Game. Difficulty is not a problem!! It's up to you hao much challenge good god.
Sometime you sit there behind trash can and you see Sectoid and you think, "hey I shoot this fucker" but the game say you no see the Sectoid see? Yes, sir.
Given very many choices and options it is a good time for you to playing the XCOM: Enemy Within! The aliens may even attack your base oh what a hell!!

These levels incredible they blow your mind!! You fight in fast food restauraunts! You fight in sleepy fishing wharf! You fight in canyon! You fight on top of skyscraper!! So much excitement.
Cool hey!
+ All-new MEC troop class plus new genetic modification options
+ New gear, tech research, and upgrades for troops & base
+ New enemy faction to fight, plus new alien types
+ 47 new levels, plus re-worked levels from EU
+ More customization options for troops, including foreign languages
+ Enemy Unknown's DLC is included
+ Second Wave options and Operation Progeny also included
- Occasional line-of-sight issues still a problem
- Infrequent but frustrating freezing/glitches
- Textures load in slowly sometimes
? Why the hell did the Sectopods get a -50% dmg buff
Overall I give XCOM: Enemy Within a 9 out of 10. It provides tons of strategic fun and customization options, but loses a point for minor technical issues that ought to have been fixed by now.
Extras: none! you get out of my store!
Achievements: unlike the previous game, only 1 achievement in Enemy Within requires you to play on Classic difficulty or higher--all the rest of them can be gained by frugal MELD spending. It's possible to get them all in one go, but you will be stretching yourself thin--I recommend you play through twice, going for MECs in one game and pursuing genetic engineering in the other.